• Remove and Ban Fox News from all U.S military instillations and Federal buildings
    Removing Fox News and it’s affiliates would greatly improve the mental health, slow the spread of misinformation and disinformation and decrease the radicalization of our armed force members and Federal employees.. The disastrous effect this propaganda has on the morale of our men and women must not be minimized
    606 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Brian Sheehan
  • 'Tis the Season for Solidarity
    We need our schools fully funded, our students’ welfare promoted, and our educators’ workplace needs addressed. In this season of giving, support our students by giving educators the working conditions and compensation they deserve. Wishing you and your loved ones happy holidays and a joyous New Year from your friends at MCEA!
    373 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Montgomery Association
    Students are the workforce. Our education system directly feeds into our businesses and our community. Educators are NEEDED, and need to feel appreciated and not undermined. Parents need to know what is going on in the school system, they need to feel comfortable with the education system their kids are learning in.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emilie Mosier
  • Tell President Biden: DO NOT restart student loan payments
    Millions of Americans will be thrown back into loan repayment even though we face the persistent impact of the pandemic, growing inflation, and so much more. Before the pandemic struck, people struggled to navigate the broken student loan system wreaking havoc on the financial lives of families across the country. Restarting payments will be a financial disaster, but the President has the power to stop it. Continuing the pause on federal student loan payments is an important investment in Americans' financial lives. It gives people the financial freedom to pay rent or purchase homes, afford healthcare or medicine, start small businesses, and support their families. Without the burden of student debt, Americans weathered the pandemic, and many are thriving. We have added our name to this petition to send President Biden a simple message: DO NOT resume student loan payments.
    85,536 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Natalia Abrams Picture
  • Hip Hip Hooray for our School Board Today!
    Books, and especially books with controversial, unpopular and/or unconventional protagonists, are common targets for censorship. This strategy to control thought runs counter to our culture's deeply-held beliefs in the importance of freedom of expression. We strongly support each parent's right and obligation to engage fully in their child's education. However, that right does not extend to dampening the opportunities for new ideas or exploration of cultures, lives, and lifestyles, both villainous and virtuous, in the past, present and future, for other children in our system's schools. Through reading, these imaginary journeys promote empathy, understanding, inspiration and curiosity, all essential traits for healthy adults and a thriving democracy. We applaud our Fairfax County Public School's conclusion that the books in question are "valuable in their potential to reach marginalized youth who may struggle to find relatable literary characters who reflect their personal journeys." We note that, contrary to the public assertions that propelled action by FCPS, no depiction of pedophilia was found by either school committee formed to investigate the allegations that the books were not suitable. It is important that everyone who believes in the the value of diverse ideas, intellectual freedom and curiosity, and the contribution books make to a healthy democracy, reject the notion that censuring books is a pathway to a better future. Please join us in supporting our Fairfax County Public School Board.
    534 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Holly Hazard Picture
  • Self-charged electric school buses with continuous climate control
    The more parents and school boards are vigorously demanding self-charged school buses the sooner school bus manufacturers would invest in developing and deploying practical proven self-charged electric school buses.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Vesperman
  • Rename 21st in Bryan, Texas: Carey Cauley Jr Street
    When asked at the Chamber event honoring Irma Cauley why no action yet on the street renaming, a Bryan Councilmember responded "well, if everybody wants it." City Manager policy requires “100% of property owners, residents and business owners” to sign a written petition affirming their desire to rename their street Carey Cauley Jr Street. There is no ordinance -no law- on Bryan’s books to rename streets. Local community leader, Helen Washington, walked the streets gathering signatures. She's the spearhead who is crossing every "t" and dotting every "i.” Help her. EVERYBODY, please join Helen and everybody who lives on 21st Street to SUPPORT this effort to honor the Cauleys. Please SIGN to tell Bryan Mayor and City Council you SUPPORT renaming 21st Street to honor our local civil rights heroes.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Janet Dudding
  • Judicial Board Mandated Training
    Studies demonstrated that the most vulnerable time for any victim and children, is after they escape from there abuser. Abusers are using the courtrooms to enforce 50/50 custody or sole custody of minor children to continually have direct access to victims and their minor children and adult victims. This direct victimizing allows abusers access to minor children whom have zero voices inside a court of law, and are being forced to engage directly with their abuser over and over, despite watching this same abuse, or receiving this abuse, or experiencing sexual abuse, when the family was a unit. Victims are helpless inside a court of law from not only protecting innocent children but as well themselves. Meanwhile the abuser uses the court system to maintain control of victims and the minor children. With only 24 judges being mandated in learning, on the physical side of abuse, this has subjected and forced victims to have zero support inside court rooms throughout the United States. This is a direct violation to victims and innocent children because these judges hearing these cases are forcing victims and innocent children back into the same abuse they escaped. How many more innocent children and adult victims must die before these judges are mandated in all forms of domestic violence, including sexual assault and rape? Make your voice be heard by signing this petition today. Thank you!
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by All Forms Of Domestic Violence Picture
  • Stop the Liquor Store in the African American Heritage Corridor
    Sign this petition today. Tell Common Council President Darius Pridgen and the Buffalo Common Council to stop this project. Runaway slaves found refuge and escaped to freedom here. Harlem Renaissance musicians, poets, authors and civil rights leaders like Marcus Garvey and Frederick Douglass were inspired to come here. Rev. Nash helped bring the Urban League and the NAACP here. Right here along the Michigan Street African American Heritage Corridor history was and continues to be made. We do not want a liquor store in this sacred space.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ron d
  • We can't let politics decide district lines!
    Our organization believes in accountability, transparency, and Voter protection- this surprise redistricting map violates those principles to the utmost extent. We believe that the County Council should follow the recommendations of the maps submitted by the Prince George's Redistricting Commission, ensuring that redistricting serves the community, not elected officials.
    987 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by PGChangeMakers Coalition O
  • North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Must Resign
    The far right continues push this country towards more acts of violence, bigotry, and hatred. They want to keep this country divided for their own sick, and perverse need for money and power. I, myself, am not a part of the LGBTQ community, but my children all have friends, or others they know that have suffered from parents, and other children, all due to their minds being poisoned by falsehoods, and hatred towards something they often know little about. I don't need to be someone in the LGBTQ community to care about their suffering. I only wish that those that are hateful, and bigoted in this country would educate themselves, and look inward as to why they are so afraid of something that does not directly affect them. Our children need to be taught understanding, and that everyone deserves the right to live their lives free of fear. Teaching children that everyone should be treated with respect, and dignity shouldn't ever be a question. We may have come a long way towards the treatment of the LGBTQ community, but we still have so many miles to go.
    399 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Eric S.
    Because too many innocent children continue to lose their lives because of overlooked negligence and abuse!
    1,400 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by NIKOLE LAWRENCE