• DEAR GOD....
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Billie
  • Smart School Lunches
    School lunches in public schools should be changed to organic. In addition, the lunches should contain more vegetables, fruits and nuts than the current amount.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virgil Lawson
  • Change the Role of the US Dept. of Education
    The DOE has wasted billions trying to impose counterfeit reforms on public education. High stakes, useless testing has demoralized teachers, narrowed the curriculum and left parents on the sidelines. Student achievement has not improved. The DOE could help by becoming a research, resource and advisory organization. As stated in the 10th Amendment, we should leave public education as a state responsibility.
    1,487 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Stoddard
  • vote 4 education
    This petition is for saving education. We keep getting cuts every year. Here is a way to save our education. Every person in America who makes one million a year or more must pay 5% of their profit to save education even if they live outside the US. If we do not save America's education, other countries will be ahead of us. Some probobly are. So let us vote for this petition and send it to our congress. This way no more cuts and no more kicking out teachers. This is our contribution to the future generation and we owe it to them.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rita
  • Proclaim September Campus Fire Safety Month in Your State
    On April 14, 2011, Jasmine Jahanshahi lost her life in an apartment fire while studying abroad; at least 6 college students affiliated with American universities have perished in fires this academic year. Join J.U.S.T.I.C.E. and Campus Firewatch in requesting that governors across the U.S. proclaim September as Campus Fire Safety Month in his or her home state in order to "raise awareness and encourage schools to provide fire prevention and safety education". If we can inspire university officials to make fire safety a part of the curriculum at freshmen orientations and at study abroad orientations, we can help young adults learn to protect themselves. Please visit firesafetyfoundation.org for fire safety tips and for more information about J.U.S.T.I.C.E., the foundation we have established in Jasmine's memory.
    277 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Megan Clement
  • Recall of officials who make cuts in education
    We need to make a pledge to recall any elected official who votes to pass further cuts in education! Tonight is the deadline to pass a budget in California, and the one thing that legislators have agreed upon is to defer payment to schools. Atrocious! Lets recall legislators who vote to take money from education.'
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by malena copeland
  • Keep Public Broadcasting Funded in Florida!
    On May 26, 2011 Florida Governor Rick Scott vetoed the state's nearly $4.8 million appropriation for public broadcasting. That figure had already been reduced by 30% from last year. With these cuts, 13 public radio stations will lose $87,287 in state funds and 13 television stations will lose a subsidy of $434,837. Public broadcasting is a form of objective media that is inclusive and accessible to everyone. It keeps our communities both connected and informed. Please sign the petition and urge Florida Legislator's to override Gov. Scott's line-item veto of state funding for public broadcasting. This doesn't take effort, it just takes passion.
    26,247 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Anna V. Eskamani
  • Environmental Education
    Environmental education should be taught in every subject at the Secondary level, as a lesson or as research within the context of the subject itself. In this manner, our public school students will become knowledgeable and involved in environmental issues while their minds are still open. Environmental education has been proven to improve student grades and reduce the dropout rate.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James LeCuyer
  • 'Don't Give Up the Ship' (video series for 2013)
    The Great North-coast is poised to make a historical video series to help educate people about 'The Battle of Lake Erie in 1813' and to celebrate its' bicentenial. This project will build community pride, collaboration, and a network of creative talent to help in the region's economic develop of the film industry.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kurt Sahlmann
  • Should the Legislature extend the sales tax rate and use that money towards Education?
    Today, California schools are trying to eek out every cent they can and are barely getting by. Instead of thriving and expanding in the programs and services they provide our children, these services are being cut back. School districts are working with bare bones staff, firing teachers and increasing classroom sizes. Do we want that for our state?
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by malena copeland
  • All Students be able to walk with their senior class if they didn't pass the CAHSEE Test
    Norwalk La Mirada School District will not let the student walk with thier senior class because the students miss 1 point from passing the CAHSEE Test. These same students are allowed to go to prom and grandnite, because the District gets the money. The District failed to supply these students with Remedial intensive instruction in a Supplemental Program according to California Education Code. We are calling on Norwalk La Mirada District to reverse their policy on not letting the students walk give them a chance to honor their 4yrs of high school and completing all credits requires.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Connie Hunter
  • Tell New York State leaders to support education reform
    Charter schools in New York State are fundamentally changing the way that our children learn. For the first time kids who otherwise wouldn't, are being given the tools and support to learn and the chance to succeed. The parents in these schools are profoundly thankful and yet some special interests and politicians are doing everything that they can to block progress. We want to tell our state leaders to stop fighting to keep open schools that have already failed, using a nineteenth century model, and start fighting for a twenty first century solution.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Josh Manson