We don’t have the luxury of hanging up on reality. There is so much at stake: Healthcare, poverty, racial equity, public safety, housing, social programs — the list goes on. We cannot let the Conservative party win and implement policies that sow hate and division and take away what we have worked so hard for. The party that embraces Trump and all that he stands for — xenophobia, racism, classism, white supremacy, extremism, snd so much more. Their top candidate is a Trump Republican who will unravel all that is good in our State, including the progress that we have made. The struggle for equity and dismantling of hate will be under attack. If you still aren’t feeling the pressure — remember that the power of a governor is immense. Imagine meaningful legislation that we have advocated for never being signed into law. Our hands will be tied. The poll results are in and show that if we don’t show up to vote, the recall will 100% happen. If you do nothing else in this stressful year, please make it voting and reaching out to others to VOTE NO on the recall. Please contact the author of this petition for details on how to GET INVOLVED and SPRED THE WORD. And vote. Vote. VOTE. Kimberly Adams [email protected] 714-325-5303
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Adams
  • Restore Press Freedom!
    Today the entire mainstream media is owned by only FIVE corporations, all of which are run by people who are invested in weapons and war. The result is a media that always starts with a pro-interventionist position and is staffed by former intelligence officials and generals that protect the government narrative instead of the truth. Additionally, it is extremely rare for mainstream media outlets to have on opposing viewpoints, especially from the left, to have debates and discussions. We need a return to fairness, truth and civil debate.
    177 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jason Kishineff
  • Tell Rubio and Scott: Stop Obstructing and Do Your Job
    Florida, we are a state of people — not Democrats, not Republicans. We are a state of moms, dads, aunties, uncles, abuelos, and chosen family and friends. But our Florida family has lost its way. We have forgotten that we belong to one another, that we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. We have wayward leaders that have abandoned this family. Our Senators waste time and resources obstructing and ignoring our state’s issues on healthcare, housing, climate, education, and more. Now is the time for action — not obstruction. Both Senator Rubio and Scott need to stop obstructing, do their job, defend democracy, and build back bold for jobs, climate, healthcare, and justice here in Florida. Please take 1 (one) minute to send a message to both Senator Rubio and Senator Scott to stop playing games with peoples lives and represent the people of Florida.
    320 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Laurie Woodward Garcia Picture
  • Tell President Biden: Evacuate Afghan interpreters in a safe and timely manner
    Afghan interpreters who put their lives and families at risk deserve protection by the U.S. The U.S. has a moral obligation to act — from speeding up the visa application process and increasing the number of visas available to directly evacuating interpreters. And as veterans, active duty servicemembers, military family members, and civilian supporters, it's our duty to speak up and demand action from the Biden Administration. Will you add your name and tell President Biden not to leave Afghan interpreters behind? >>
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Perry O'Brien Picture
    "Whether you are a fan of Star Trek or not the following has universal appeal to all. "A dream that became a reality and spread throughout the stars." – James T. Kirk, 2269 (TOS - "Whom Gods Destroy") "The United Federation of Planets was a supranational interstellar union of multiple planetary nation-states that operated semi-autonomously under a single central government, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, peace, justice, and progress, with the purpose of furthering the universal rights of all sentient life. Federation members exchange knowledge and resources to facilitate peaceful cooperation, scientific development, space exploration, and MUTUAL DEFENSE."** I've emphasized "Mutual Defense" because its important! While an obvious interpretation is "military defense", it also means Mutual Defense of Morals, Mutual Defense as in Care of Each Other. The US Senate are the rare few who are given the honor and duty of representing us all. But Minority Leader McConnell has vowed to put all of his efforts into blocking Democratic legislations to help all of us. We need to pass the President's Infrastructure Bill, the country needs roads, bridges, transportation, Broadband Internet, and We Need Clean Water. We need to Pass the For the People to help protect us from malicious voter suppression bills that are being passed by State Legislatures in multiple states. We need to have a commission to investigate the seditious attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6th, who are the Republican's trying to protect? We also need to Pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, The John Lewis Act, The Equality Act, The Pro Act, The Breathe Act, American Jobs Plan, American Families Plan, and Washington DC (our nation's great Capitol, is home to 712,000 people that are taxed hire per capita than any other state) should 100 percent be a state! We need common sense gun control like Mandatory Background Checks. We need the multiple Immigration Acts to Pass, We must raise taxes for the wealthiest one percent, they must pay their fair share, TAX THE RICH, We need NON-TRUMP JUDGES and damn it WE DIRELY NEED CLIMATE CARE!! WE NEED ALL THE THINGS NOW! WE CAN'T HAVE ANY OF THE THINGS WITHOUT ENDING THE FILIBUSTER! The Conservative Dems like Joe Manchin (WV) and Kristen Sinema (AZ) have said they want bi-partisanship. We have tried this to no avail. The Republican Senators do not represent the majority of the country, they do not speak for all of us, and they do not even speak for their constituents they claim to be speaking for. These policies are overwhelmingly popular with over 80 percent of the country's population. Enough is Enough. The Filibuster was established to protect Systematic Racism, and it continues to be in the way of changing that racist system.We need all of our Democratic Senators to ABOLISH THE FILIBUSTER NOW because WE NEED ALL THE THINGS NOW!! **(c/o https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/United_Federation_of_Planets)
    839 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Witten Picture
  • Increased Education on Race, Prejudice, and Privilege in schools
    The African diaspora is an essential part of the curriculum in school . It allows kids to express themselves and discuss critical themes such as racism and a variety of other difficulties. Suny African diaspora educates children on vital issues in such a way that pupils learn and grow as individuals, as well as educate themselves and the rest of the world so that history doesn't repeat itself .Students must also be educated and informed about racism, prejudice, and privilege. To do this, we suggest that schools should integrate racial problems education into academic curricula, provide online training modules on racial prejudice, and improve the diversity education provided in orientation materials. To demonstrate that we support the African-American community, particularly in light of the racial injustices that have happened across the country during this period of civil unrest.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin duran
  • Tell Congress: The U.S. must welcome refugees NOW
    President Biden is breaking promises he made on the campaign trail to follow in Trump’s footsteps and keep the U.S. refugee cap at an all time low. It’s abhorrent. Earlier this year, Biden pledged to raise the refugee cap for the next fiscal year to 125,000. Yet not even 100 days in office and his administration is backpedaling from that goal at a breathtaking pace — keeping the cap at 15,000 for the time being — and slamming the door shut on thousands of people who urgently need our help. If President Biden does not raise this cap immediately, the current pace of admissions will mean just 4,510 refugees will be resettled this year — far below the current limit and the lowest of any president ever. The U.S. has an obligation to open its doors to refugees. In fact, it’s a failed violence-first U.S. foreign policy that has driven displacement around the globe — exacerbating violence, systemic inequality, and the effects of the climate crisis — for decades. Congress must save the U.S. refugee resettlement program. Add your name to tell Congress to act immediately and stop Biden from further dismantling the U.S. refugee program.
    320 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Tell President Biden: Keeping the U.S. refugee cap at 15,000 is a betrayal
    President Biden is breaking promises he made on the campaign trail to follow in Trump’s footsteps and keep the U.S. refugee cap at an all time low. It’s abhorrent. Earlier this year, Biden pledged to raise the refugee cap for the next fiscal year to 125,000. Yet not even 100 days in office and his administration is backpedaling from that goal at a breathtaking pace — keeping the cap at 15,000 for the time being — and slamming the door shut on thousands of people who urgently need our help. If President Biden does not raise this cap immediately, the current pace of admissions will mean just 4,510 refugees will be resettled this year — far below the current limit and the lowest of any president ever. The U.S. has an obligation to open its doors to refugees. In fact, it’s a failed violence-first U.S. foreign policy that has driven displacement around the globe — exacerbating violence, systemic inequality, and the effects of the climate crisis — for decades. We have to get loud NOW. Add your name to let President Biden know your disgust with his decision to keep refugee admissions at an all time low and urge him to increase the cap as quickly as possible.
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Urge Senator Romney to Pass Immigration Reform
    - Immigrants are vital to the State of Utah. Approximately 106,279 undocumented immigrants live in Utah, comprising around 40% of Utah’s immigrant population. / Los inmigrantes son vitales para Utah. Aproximadamente 106,279 inmigrantes indocumentados viven en Utah, lo que equivale al 40% de la población migrante de Utah. - 140,517 people in Utah, including 71,207 US citizens, lived with at least one undocumented family member between 2010 and 2014./ 140,517 personas en Utah, incluyendo 71,207 ciudadanos americanos vivieron con por lo menos una persona indocumentada del 2010 al 2014. - $81.4 million from Utah undocumented immigrants’ income went to state and local taxes and $129.5 million went to federal taxes in 2018. / Inmigrantes indocumentados contribuyeron $81.4 millones en impuestos estatales y locales y $129.5 millones en impuestos contribuyeron al gobierno federal en el 2018. Please sign our petition to tell your Utah representative and Senators that separating families is not what Utah stands for and that we want a pathway to citizenship for ALL undocumented Utahns. / Por favor firma nuestra petición para decirle a todos nuestros representantes y Senadores que Utah no está de acuerdo con la separación de familias y que queremos un camino a la ciudadanía para TODA nuestra comunidad indocumentada. Comunidades Unidas is a 501c3 non-profit and nonpartisan organization focused on empowering Utah's Latinx to recognize and achieve their own potential and be a positive force for change in the larger community. To learn more about Comunidades Unidas please visit our website www.cuutah.org and follow our Instagram @comunidadesunidas and Facebook linked below./ Comunidades Unidas es una organización 501c3 sin fines de lucro y no partidista enfocada en empoderar a la comunidad Latinx de Utah para que reconozca y desarrolle su potencial y sea una fuerza positiva para el cambio en su comunidad. Para aprender más sobre Comunidades Unidas por favor visita nuestra pagina www.cuutah.org y síguenos en nuestro Instagram @comunidadesunidas y en el link de Facebook abajo. Sources / Fuentes de información: http://research.newamericaneconomy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/nae-ut-report.pdf & https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/immigrants-in-utah
    1,079 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Comunidades Unidas Picture
  • Tell VP Kamala Harris: To help immigrants -- vaccine access for Central America now!
    The media and many irresponsible politicians are completely failing to meet this moment in history by focusing on a symptom of a global economic and health crisis -- families and unaccompanied minors at the U.S./Mexico border -- rather than its root causes. Recently asked by President Biden to lead "the administration’s efforts to deter migration to the southwestern border by working to improve conditions in Central America," Vice President Kamala Harris can help turn things around by -- among other things -- prioritizing COVID-19 vaccine access for Central America and other countries immigrants are currently fleeing from in this time of a global health and economic crisis. No matter how many oversimplified anecdotes journalists collect, or public officials that say it, pretending that people risk their lives and leave everything they know just because a President in a different country is a "nice guy" has to be one of the most ridiculous stories our pandemic has produced yet. To suggest that either talking tough, more enforcement, or the further criminalization of immigrants is a solution to this crisis is not just irresponsible (we now have decades of data that prove the opposite) -- it is also dangerous. This is dangerous not just for immigrants and their countries of origin, who bear the brunt of this harmful thinking, but really for all of us in the U.S. and around the world when our best shot at a better future right now is directing every spare resource we have towards stamping out COVID-19. With VP Kamala Harris leading these latest efforts, she has a real opportunity to help send this message, to save lives, and to economically assist Central America and the world by prioritizing vaccine access for all. If enough of us sign-on and share this, we'll help give her the support she needs to do so. With dueling health, economic, and climate crises -- vaccine access isn't the only thing Central America and immigrants need right now -- but it could be the beginning of the spark needed to start moving towards a world where people migrate out of want, and not out of need. That's our only chance at ever stopping the negative effects associated with immigration. Until then, we need to take this moment in history as another reminder that we can't wall off our problems. Viruses know no borders. We either liberate ourselves together or not at all. Any journalist or public official that thinks otherwise is failing all of us.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kyle de Beausset
  • Tell Congress to Support the "Dream & Promise Act"
    The Dream and Promise Act will cover some 3 million young immigrants and TPS holders, provide them with a path to citizenship, strengthen our economy, and keep families united. Their existence in this country has always remained in a state of limbo and it is time to protect undocumented immigrants from future challenges.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by America's Voice Picture
  • NC Governor and Senators: Protect our families by stopping SB 101!
    SB101 will tear families apart, lead to unconstitutional detentions, and make our communities unsafe. We urge you to stop SB101! - - - SB101 separará a las familias, conducirá a detenciones inconstitucionales y hará que nuestras comunidades sean inseguras. ¡Le instamos a que rechace la SB101!
    971 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by El Colectivo NC