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To: Alcalde de Ponce

Action for the Animals in Ponce

Honorable Alcalde de Ponce,

Los ciudadanos de Puerto Rico y la diáspora están uniendo sus voces por los animales que sufren innecesariamente en la isla.

Este noviembre todos los residentes de la isla tenemos oportunidades de apoyar el cambio que cambiará la creciente población de perros callejeros y el abuso, abandono y negligencia ejercido por el pueblo y las entidades gubernamentales.

Los firmantes de esta carta le suplican que ponga fin al sicariato gubernamental que viola la Ley 154 y apoye eventos gratuitos de esterilización y vacunación con la organización sin fines de lucro Veterinarios por Puerto Rico.

Cuando se anuncie un evento de esterilización y vacunación para Ponce, los firmantes a continuación serán conscientes de su compromiso de ayudar a poner fin al sufrimiento innecesario y estaremos encantados de asistir para transmitir su logro.



Honorable Mayor of Ponce,

Citizens of Puerto Rico and the diaspora are uniting their voices for the animals suffering needlessly on the island.

This November all the residents of the island have opportunities to support change that will turn around the exponentially growing population of strays and the abuse, abandonment and neglect exercised by the people and the government entities.

The signers of this letter plead you to put a stop to government contracted killings that violate Law 154 and to support free sterilization and vaccination events with the non-profit organization Veterinarians for Puerto Rico.

When a sterilization and vaccination event is announced for Ponce, the below signers will be made aware of your commitment to help end needless suffering and we will happily be in attendance to broadcast your achievement.


Why is this important?

The amount of animals in the streets, the conditions of the animals, the amount of abuse, the daily dumping of dogs by backyard breeders, the lack of animal welfare education, the lack of affordable pet care, the lack of law enforcement and laws for helping the animal crisis, and the exponential growth of the stray populations are issues that fall to the responsibility of the government of Puerto Rico.

The killing contracts that Puerto Rico has engaged in for decades have provided inadequate solutions and have promoted Puerto Rico world-wide as an inhumane place. The more that people who are not numb to the situation come to the island and see the crisis, the more the reputation of Puerto Rico will harm tourism and the economy. Puerto Rico is also known for the corruption that exists at every level of government and in the majority of cases, government officials commit crimes of corruption when granting contracts, including contracts for killing. Unfortunately, as the public records and news stories show, municipalities do not monitor, inspect, or oversee contractors involved with animals and those contractors, being driven by money, abuse and neglect the animals and break laws.



2024-09-12 16:12:19 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-08-24 20:42:51 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-08-24 16:24:26 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-08-24 15:19:13 -0400

10 signatures reached