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To: Congress

Aquifers Act

It is time for Congress to focus more resources on our nation's aquifers. Drought and societal development are extracting many gallons of water. Charged aquifers will increase the water table, resulting in healthier landscapes and increased water access. With improved landscape design, improved rainwater harvesting, and ground water regulations, America could see a revolution in its ground water resources.
Farms and cities need the research, data, and monetary resources to improve flood and storm water management, to include an emphasis on infiltrating water back into the soils. This process requires land surveys to understand waters current movement habits on any given watershed. With this knowledge, ponds, ditches, swales, reservoirs, lakes, and more systems, can be implemented to hold back rainwater.
Fresh water is not a resource, it is a life-source. Congress must incentivize the American people and U.S. industries to put managing water higher on the priority list.

Why is this important?

People should join this campaign for change because it presents a paradigm shift, environmentally, for the United States. Currently, our society channels water from every rainfall to be drained away. This causes dehydration of the land withheld water. Every hard surface produces rainwater run-off. These are places where rainfall could previously sink into the ground. We cannot remove every hard surface, like roofs and roads, so we must invest in managing that run-off more naturally to allow more water to soak into the aquifers.
One more time, too often too much fresh water or storm water is directed into rivers and waterways before it can soak into the ground. Many of us have seen the pipes that discharge at incredible rates, and still don't seem to be enough to capture our ever-growing hard surface footprint. These pipes must be discharged before the natural environment and given spaces within the cities, towns, and farms to seep into the soils of the landscape. Every town and region will be different based upon rainfall and geologic boundaries.
Securing fresh water resources for our environments will then increase the availability of fresh water for human use. Remember the power of the beaver, that is who and what we must encourage and replicate now.


2023-03-29 07:00:57 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-07-17 19:34:52 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-07-11 20:39:28 -0400

10 signatures reached