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To: Centerville Abington School District

Bring Back Parent Pick Up

Please, for the safety of multiple students, parents and school employees along with a better flow and system bring back the previous year’s carline and parent pick up routine. This new routine isn’t about just needing some time to work itself out to start flowing. It was not thought out or planned well and here are some examples of why: 

Special needs children in most cases need extra support and are not comfortable going places alone. 

Our youngest group of children are having to walk to the furthest door alone. 

Most of the younger kids legally require still sitting in a 5 point harness car seat. If parents are not allowed out of their cars how do you expect the kids to be buckled in safely prior to leaving? 


Traffic jam for 45 minutes to a hour - no one has time to wait that long in the morning or the afternoon. 

Buses driving on the other side of the road against oncoming traffic to bypass said traffic jam! 

Ummm again - SAFETY! 

Less hassle and confusion.

Parents with children in a school grade and preschool having to manipulate their way through for multiple drop offs. 

Students being marked tardy due to YOUR procedure is a problem!

This whole thing is a problem! 

Shall we keep going? When multiple, really majority, if not all of the parents are expressing concerns there is an issue and the fact that it’s being brushed off or ignored is truly insane!! 

Why is this important?

The safety and wellbeing of our children is a priority! 



2024-08-08 12:00:33 -0400

100 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached