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To: Chicago elected officials

Chicago's Welcoming City Status Is Under Attack–Help Defend It!

Chicago has a proud history of welcoming immigrants to our city. But a few opportunistic politicians are pushing a xenophobic agenda that would harm immigrants, divide our communities, and make the city less safe for all Chicagoans.

Sign the petition to make it clear that Chicago residents support our immigrant neighbors and urge city officials to fight back against divisive attempts to end our status as a welcoming city!

Why is this important?

Chicago’s long-standing status as a city that proudly welcomes immigrants is under attack. Over the past year, a small but loud group of anti-immigrant politicians have sought to undermine Chicago's long standing "Welcoming City" ordinance.

Chicago first became a "Welcoming City" in 1985—nearly 40 years ago—through an executive order signed by Mayor Harold Washington. The ordinance allows immigrants to access critical services without fear of being deported or arrested simply because of their immigration status. But a few opportunistic anti-immigrant politicians and their far right followers have been working to revoke our status, using unfounded and biased fear-based tactics to turn neighbors against each other. These efforts are part of a larger, nationwide attack on immigrant communities, and they have no place in Chicago.

Studies have shown that "Welcoming City" ordinances make cities safer, and repealing them would do nothing to address the challenges the city is currently facing in caring for new arrivals. We urge elected officials to firmly resist any efforts to repeal Chicago's “Welcoming City” status and instead work to secure the city, state, and federal funding needed to fully support all of our communities!




2024-05-03 15:45:59 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-05-03 13:45:51 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-05-03 13:22:13 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-05-03 02:05:04 -0400

10 signatures reached