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To: Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co, and AstraZeneca

Demand Big Drug Companies Stop Exploiting Seniors for Profit

Big drug companies have legally challenged a new program from the Inflation Reduction Act requiring drugmakers to negotiate the prices of selected expensive drugs with the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which oversees Medicare.

These lawsuits seek to end Medicare’s new ability to negotiate lower prescription drug prices for Medicare beneficiaries. If the big drug companies get their way, patients will pay more so the drug companies can increase their shareholder profits.

Democrats in Congress and President Biden took on the powerful pharmaceutical industry lobby and won when they passed the Inflation Reduction Act, but we can't let that progress be undone in the courts.

Take action now to demand the big drug companies stop exploiting seniors for the sake of profits and negotiate with Medicare.

Why is this important?

Since the enactment of the negotiation program, drug companies have announced massive, above-expectation profits while arguing that negotiation is “'tantamount to extortion' and will 'upend…pharmaceutical innovation.'"

They’re just trying to protect their massive profits. While they rake in billions, U.S. drug prices are up to four times higher than prices in other high-income countries, leading patients in America to cut pills and skip doses to make ends meet.

Sign the petition now demanding the big drug companies drop the lawsuits and negotiate with Medicare.

Image: Phelan M. Ebenhack/AP



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