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To: UNM Police Department

Fire Racist Cops

Fire the UNM Police Officer involved in this gross misuse of university time and resources.

Why is this important?

As a community of current and former Lobos, we are extremely disappointed to have been alerted that UNM has an officer who is emboldened in his behavior at a time where the nation is revisiting the systemic racism that is inherent in all police structures and cultures. We would hope by now you've been alerted that an officer who refers to himself as Eric on TikTok has displayed not only a gross misuse of taxpayer money, but created racist content. Below I will highlight all of the policy infractions this individual made, and demand he no longer represents the University of New Mexico in any capacity if, "Each of us defines all of us".

Eric has built his entire online brand as being a University Cop at UNM therefore his actions cannot be explained as off-duty edgey humor. Even his username on the platform is "505collegeCop".

Officer Eric's face can be clearly seen on this video:
Where is not wearing a mask during an international pandemic and endangering lives on University property.

In this video, Eric clearly shows he is misusing University resources (UNMPD vehicle) while on duty, damaging the landscaping our campus community works so hard to uphold - staff landscapers and students during Spring Storm, and riding his UNMPD bicycle through the SUB - an action that would not be allowed if he were a student. This a complete disrespect to the student's annual fees and state taxpayers money that support the upkeep and renovation of campus buildings:

And of course, the last video I'll share with you is while he is off duty but creating racist content that's already been heavily associated with the University of New Mexico:
How can you be a proud "College Cop" at a predominantly Hispanic Serving Institution and create content like this?


2020-09-04 18:24:07 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-09-04 15:50:37 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-09-04 14:49:10 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-09-04 14:26:29 -0400

10 signatures reached