50 signatures reached
To: GOVERNOR Kim Reynolds

Dear Governor Reynolds,
I have started a petition to protect Iowas pets from being left in a car in extreme weather. Our pets cannot speak for themselves so I want to be the voice for all animals in Iowa.
I was at work yesterday and went outside to pick trash up in the parking lots. I believe the temperature out was in the upper 80s. I seen something moving in a car and I approached the vehicle to get a closer look. I discovered a large dog inside a car. (I work at a movie theatre). I called the local police department about this because of the heat and there was no water inside nor was any windows cracked to get a breeze in. While I waited for the police I went to my truck, rolled the windows up and I could not sit in there longer then 20 minutes. Now keep in mind movies run from 1 hour and 45 minutes to close to 3 hours. The police showed up 30 minutes later and there was nothing done.
Help protect those we love that can’t speak for themselves. We MUST have a Good Samaritan Law for pets.
I have started a petition to protect Iowas pets from being left in a car in extreme weather. Our pets cannot speak for themselves so I want to be the voice for all animals in Iowa.
I was at work yesterday and went outside to pick trash up in the parking lots. I believe the temperature out was in the upper 80s. I seen something moving in a car and I approached the vehicle to get a closer look. I discovered a large dog inside a car. (I work at a movie theatre). I called the local police department about this because of the heat and there was no water inside nor was any windows cracked to get a breeze in. While I waited for the police I went to my truck, rolled the windows up and I could not sit in there longer then 20 minutes. Now keep in mind movies run from 1 hour and 45 minutes to close to 3 hours. The police showed up 30 minutes later and there was nothing done.
Help protect those we love that can’t speak for themselves. We MUST have a Good Samaritan Law for pets.
Why is this important?
There are so many furbabies that are well cared for. I ask everyone to help out in getting our furbabies the protection they deserve. Our furbabies ARE NOT A POSSESSION, they are part of our family.