100 signatures reached
To: Mayor Brandon Scott and state’s attorney Ivan Bates
"Justice for Assault Victims: Hold Juvenile Offenders in Baltimore City Accountable
This campaign has ended.

Tameka Lewis
August 23, 2024
Mr. Brandon Scott
Mayor of Baltimore City
100 N. Holliday Street, Room 250
Baltimore, MD 21202
Mr. Ivan Bates
State’s Attorney for Baltimore City
120 E. Baltimore Street, 9th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
Dear Mayor Scott and Mr. Bates,
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the growing number of brutal assault crimes being committed by juveniles in Baltimore City. The physical and mental trauma inflicted on my child, my family and the innocent residents by these violent acts is devastating, leaving victims and their families with lasting scars. The current approach to juvenile offenders is insufficient to address the severity of these crimes, and it is crucial that these individuals are held criminally accountable for their actions.
The impact of these assaults extends far beyond the immediate physical injuries. Victims like my daughter and my family have been left with profound psychological trauma that affects our daily lives, relationships, and overall well-being. My family and other families once felt safe in our neighborhoods but now live in fear, reluctant to leave our homes or participate in community activities. This is not the Baltimore that we or its residents deserve.
In addition to the need for greater accountability for juvenile offenders, I am also deeply troubled by the lack of adequate police presence in our communities. The shortage of officers on the streets left my daughter to fend for herself against 10 juveniles like many other victims, in the face of violent crime. This absence of protection not only exacerbates the trauma experienced by my daughter and other victims but also undermines public confidence in the ability of our city to keep us safe.
The lack of a sufficient police force means that while my daughter was being brutally attacked and robbed by 10 juveniles, there was no one available to respond in a timely manner. This left her, like many other victims, vulnerable and isolated, now forced to deal with the aftermath of this violent encounter without the immediate support we need. The result is a community that feels abandoned, where residents are left to endure the psychological and physical effects of these crimes on our own.
It is imperative that we address these issues head-on. Juvenile offenders who commit violent crimes must face appropriate criminal charges that reflect the seriousness of their actions not just mediation or rehabilitation. We shouldn’t have to be forced to make a visit to Juvenile Justice to fill out more paperwork to try and have the courts feel empathy and put charges on these egregious suspects. At the same time, we must ensure that our police force is adequately staffed and equipped to respond to and prevent such crimes. My family and all of Baltimore’s residents deserve to live in a city where they can feel safe and protected, not one where they are left to suffer in the wake of unchecked violence.
I urge you to take immediate and decisive action to address these pressing concerns. By holding juvenile offenders accountable and reinforcing our police presence, we can begin to restore a sense of security and justice in our communities. The time for change is now, and I look forward to your leadership in making Baltimore a safer place for all its residents.
Thank you for your attention to these critical issues. I look forward to your response and to the actions you will take to protect our city.
Tameka Lewis
Why is this important?
As residents of Baltimore City, we all deserve to live in a community where safety and justice are upheld. Unfortunately, the alarming rise in brutal assaults committed by juveniles threatens the well-being of our neighborhoods and the peace of mind of our families. These violent crimes leave lasting physical and mental scars on victims and their loved ones, creating a climate of fear and insecurity that no one should have to endure.
By signing this petition, you are standing up for the rights of assault victims who have been left to fend for themselves. You are demanding that juvenile offenders be held accountable for the serious harm they inflict on our fellow residents, OUR FAMILIES! It is not enough to offer rehabilitation without justice—victims deserve to see those responsible for their suffering face appropriate criminal charges that reflect the severity of their actions.
Moreover, this petition calls for a stronger, more visible police presence in our communities. The current lack of officers on our streets means that many crimes go unanswered, leaving victims isolated and vulnerable. We need a city where our police force is adequately staffed and equipped to protect us, where we can rely on timely responses when our safety is threatened.
Joining this petition is more than just adding your name to a list; it is a powerful statement that we, as a community, will not tolerate violence, especially when it targets our most vulnerable. It is a call for a safer, more just Baltimore—a city where we can all live without fear.
Together, we can make our voices heard and demand the change that our city so desperately needs. Join me in supporting this petition to ensure that all residents of Baltimore are protected and that victims receive the justice they deserve.
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