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To: Governor Kay Ivey

Making Mental Health a Priority

Many years ago our long term care mental hospitals were closed down and no solution was offered. Mental illness is something we see play out in the headlines everyday and it’s sad when prevention is easy if we have LTC for mental health back. 

Families have no options, they have to do what they can and often it leads to heartbreak not just for them but for others. 

How can a government sit by and blame the person with mental health when the government officials are responsible for taking away the rights of these people to have long term care?

When you’re in a manic moment you have no control. Psychotic episodes, bipolar untreated and multiple personality disorders often need long term care. These bandaid mental health places are here for their benefits not the patients benefit. 

Please help us get long term care mental health facilities opened back up so we can protect the people we love. 

Why is this important?

We all know someone with mental illness and we all have reached times of despair when dealing with them. It would be great to have help in providing adequate care and treatment for them. 



2025-01-20 17:00:28 -0500

100 signatures reached

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