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To: Nick Tilsen

Oglala Sioux Tribe Rapid City District

As a significant and growing part of our Tribe, the Rapid City District plays an essential role in the life of our people. It is imperative that we have a direct voice in the governance and decision-making processes that impact our lives, ensuring that the unique needs and perspectives of our community are represented.

Granting voting power to the Rapid City District aligns with our inherent right to self-determination and is crucial for the fair and equitable treatment of all Oglala Sioux Tribe members, regardless of their location.

We call upon the Tribal Council to take immediate action to grant voting power to the Oglala Sioux Tribe Rapid City District.

Why is this important?

Granting voting power to the Oglala Sioux Tribe Rapid City District is important for several reasons:

1. Representation and Equity. Members of the Rapid City District are a vital part of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, and their voices deserve to be heard in decisions that affect their lives. Voting power ensures that their unique needs and perspectives are represented in tribal governance.

2. Self-Determination. The ability to participate in decision-making processes is a fundamental aspect of self-determination. It empowers the Rapid City District to actively shape policies, programs, and initiatives that impact their community, aligning with the broader values of tribal sovereignty.

3. Community Engagement: Allowing the Rapid City District to vote fosters greater engagement and involvement in tribal affairs. This can lead to more informed and inclusive decision-making, as a broader range of viewpoints and experiences are considered.

4. Fairness and Inclusivity. Granting voting power ensures that all members of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, regardless of where they live, are treated fairly and equally. It prevents the marginalization of district members and promotes inclusivity in the governance process.

5. Stronger Governance. When all parts of the Tribe have a say in decisions, it strengthens the overall governance structure. It leads to more balanced and well-rounded decisions that reflect the diverse interests of the entire Tribe.

6. Cultural and Community Continuity. The Rapid City District plays an essential role in preserving and promoting Oglala Lakota culture and traditions in an urban setting. Having voting power supports their efforts to maintain cultural continuity and ensure that their community's needs are met.

Overall, granting voting power to the Rapid City District is not just about representation—it's about ensuring that the entire Oglala Sioux Tribe moves forward together, with all voices heard and respected.



2024-09-12 18:18:00 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-08-21 19:22:55 -0400

10 signatures reached