100 signatures reached
To: 3. All individuals and entities, including elected representatives, public office candidates, corporations, unions, associations, tax-exempt organizations, and political parties
Petition: Demand All Presidential Candidates Take Cognitive, Psychological, and Integrity Tests

Concerns have been raised about some presidential candidates' cognitive abilities, psychological traits, or integrity, affecting their mental acuity, communication, behaviors, honesty, and other competencies. As Americans, we demand full transparency regarding candidates' cognitive abilities, psychological state, and integrity assessments to make informed decisions in November.
We, our congressional representatives and governors must ensure presidential candidates are fit for the Executive Office of the President of the United States. The role is too demanding and consequential for us, our country, and the world to ignore or dismiss any possible deficiencies in any candidate that we may see and hear.
We demand the following:
1. Presidential candidates Joseph Biden, Donald Trump, Robert Kennedy, Cornel West, Jill Stein, Chase Oliver, and any other entrants must undergo cognitive, psychological, and integrity/honesty tests (“tests”) and authorize public disclosure of results by September 30, 2024.
1. Presidential candidates Joseph Biden, Donald Trump, Robert Kennedy, Cornel West, Jill Stein, Chase Oliver, and any other entrants must undergo cognitive, psychological, and integrity/honesty tests (“tests”) and authorize public disclosure of results by September 30, 2024.
2. Elected congressional representatives, governors, and candidates for these offices must sign this petition and publicly request presidential candidates take the tests and authorize public disclosure of the results.
We call on:
3. All individuals and entities, including, but not limited to, elected representatives, public office candidates, corporations, unions, associations, tax-exempt organizations, and political parties (“donors and supporters”), to cease all direct or indirect financial and non-financial support for any presidential candidate who refuses to take the tests or authorize disclosure of the results.
4. Donors and supporters to stop any direct or indirect financial and non-financial support for any elected representative or candidate for congress or governor who does not demand presidential candidates take the tests and authorize disclosure of the results.
5. The media to inform the public about this non-partisan petition and its progress.
The tests must be standardized, administered by the same independent, respected professional(s), and publicly disclosed by these professionals at the same time by September 30, 2024. If any candidate refuses to take these tests or authorize disclosure, then no test results need to be disclosed for any candidate. Candidates who take the tests may release their results only in their entirety. Candidates who refuse to take the tests or authorize public disclosure of the results may be seen as hiding deficiencies detrimental to us, our country, and the world. Donors, supporters, and the media who do not abide by numbers 3, 4, and 5 might be seen as aiding dishonesty.
Presidential candidates, members of Congress, governors, and candidates for these positions must not lie to us, cheat us of essential information, or steal our future or tolerate those who do, as defined in the Politicians Honor Code Pledge. Elected representatives and public office candidates should sign the Politicians Honor Code Pledge, pledging not to lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do (www.politicianshonorcode.com).
Why is this important?
Concerns have been raised about some presidential candidates' cognitive abilities, psychological traits, or integrity, affecting their mental acuity, communication, behaviors, honesty, and other competencies. As Americans, we demand full transparency regarding candidates' cognitive abilities, psychological states, and integrity assessments to make informed decisions in November.
We, our congressional representatives and governors must ensure presidential candidates are fit for the Executive Office of the President of the United States. The role is too demanding and consequential for us, our country, and the world to ignore or dismiss any possible deficiencies in any candidate that we may see and hear.
How it will be delivered
Social media