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To: Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation

Protect our transit from extreme heat

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg standing in front of Amtrak train
Extreme heat is raging across the United States this summer, causing major disruptions to Amtrak and other railroads—scorching temperatures are even impacting air travel. As our summers keep getting hotter, we need immediate intervention from the federal government to keep our transportation functional and safe. 

Why is this important?

This summer, travelers nationwide have experienced firsthand how record-breaking heat debilitates our transportation systems. In the Northeast, Amtrak riders in the country’s busiest transit hub found themselves stranded for hours from delays due to speed restrictions. Rising temperatures are also causing outdoor rail tracks to deform, sparking brush fires on tracks, and putting further strain on power systems. 

The climate crisis isn’t going anywhere, and with so many people relying on our mass transit systems to get to work, make it to doctor’s appointments, and spend time with family, it’s crucial that our transportation infrastructure can operate smoothly and safely under extreme heat. Sign the petition to urge Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg to center climate resiliency in his transportation agenda. 



2024-08-02 10:26:39 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-08-02 09:45:12 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-08-02 09:34:16 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-08-02 09:29:23 -0400

10 signatures reached