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To: Senator Jeff Merkley, Senator Ron Wyden, Representative Jared Huffman, Representative Peter DeFazio


Hello (Elected Official),

I hope this letter finds you well. I am reaching out to you today because our forests need your help. The current administration has shown us they have little regard for protecting our public lands, monuments, wildlife, and national parks by signing into law the deforestation of ~113 million hectares of American Forests. 

I call on you to be the people's voice that we, in fact, do NOT want our forests and their wildlife destroyed. We must convince your colleagues to begin taking legislative and legal action to halt all efforts to destroy our forests. 

Tom Schultz and other corporate lobbyists are happy to sell away every tree to the highest bidder but this short term view of the value of our ecological resources spells our demise.

We must enact all measures to safeguard our forests for the crucial value they bring by sequestering an estimated 800 million tonnes of carbon a year, remediating our groundwater tables and producing shelter for our critically endangered species.

I know with your help we can save our forests and our country. For a livable future for all Americans we must make this issue paramount or the consequences will be dire.

With Gratitude,
(Name or Signature)

Why is this important?

This campaign's priority is to stop the executive order expanding American timber production by calling for 113 million hectares of forests to be chopped down. This comes on the heels of Tom Schultz becoming the head of the US Forestry Service. Tom Schultz is a corporate lobbyist who used to work with the Idaho Forest Group. He now seeks to oversee the destruction of as much forest as possible.
Our trees fix an estimated 800 million tonnes of carbon a year. They also keep this carbon out of the atmosphere for quite some time saving us from furthering the processes of anthropogenic climate change. Once carbon dioxide (CO₂) enters our atmosphere it has a life of 99 years on average. Without precious carbon sinks such as our protected forests we will begin to see a rapid breakdown of our weather at a scale most would deem unimaginable. Further the biodiversity in our forests, especially coastal forests, are our greatest shield against climate change. These trees also provide habitat to animals that have already been pushed to their limits to survive. Without protections, many will go extinct before the end of the next decade.
Right now our world is becoming more and more unrecognizable and Americans should know this well.  Climate change is responsible for the extreme weather events we've witnessed such as hurricanes, floods, and extreme freezes. After seeing the recent fires in Maui, L.A., and South Carolina as well as the powerful hurricanes produced last year we must come together as a people and hold our government accountable for preventing any further accelerants to climate change. 
Unfortunately, if this order is fleshed out it will undoubtedly spell doom for any new generation of Americans. While our world goes far beyond 1.5°C warming globally from pre-industrial levels, it is important to think about the fact that even if we stopped emitting all carbon today the heating won't stop. Logging these trees not only rids us of an invaluable carbon sink but also adds carbon to the atmosphere by machinery and destruction of tree matter. 
That is why we must band together and stop the deforestation and destruction of our lands. We as Americans must represent our steadfast belief that it is in the best interest of America's future to put an end to this executive order and any order like it.



2025-03-11 19:08:55 -0400

25 signatures reached

2025-03-11 08:45:41 -0400

10 signatures reached