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To: Public Service Commission of West Virginia

Stop Appalachian Power's 17.6% Rate Increase!

To the Public Service Commission of West Virginia,

We are expressing our deep concerns regarding Appalachian Power’s recent request for a 17.6% rate increase. This proposed hike is not justifiable and will have severe repercussions for the residents of West Virginia, particularly those already struggling with financial hardships. Here are the main points that highlight the urgency of rejecting this rate increase:

  1. Excessive Financial Burden: The proposed rate hike would increase the average residential customer’s monthly bill by approximately $18.41. This additional cost is a significant financial burden, especially for over 74,000 customers in West Virginia who are already facing economic challenges. Many families are forced to make difficult decisions between basic necessities such as food, healthcare, and heating their homes.

  2. Steep Increase in Bills Over Recent Years: Appalachian Power customers have seen continuous rate increases in recent years. In 2021, rates increased by 3.5%. In 2022, the increase was 10%, adding $16 to the average monthly bill. In 2023, customers experienced another increase of 15.4%. These successive increases have far outpaced wage growth and cost-of-living adjustments, putting even more strain on household budgets.

  3. Unreliable Service: Despite these substantial rate increases, Appalachian Power’s service reliability remains a significant concern. Customers have faced frequent power outages and extended restoration times, especially during critical periods like severe weather. The prolonged outages during the coldest period in December 2022 left many families in the dark and cold, highlighting the company’s inability to manage and maintain its infrastructure effectively. This lack of reliable service is unacceptable and leaves customers feeling vulnerable and unsupported.

  4. High Poverty Rates in West Virginia: West Virginia has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation, with a rate of 17.9% in 2022. Over 308,000 residents, including 86,400 children, are living in poverty. The child poverty rate increased from 20.7% in 2021 to 25.0% in 2022, the second highest in the United States. Many families are already struggling to meet their basic needs, and the proposed rate increase will exacerbate their financial difficulties, forcing more children to go to bed hungry or cold.

  5. Lack of Justification: Appalachian Power has not provided a transparent and adequate explanation for such a substantial increase. Ratepayers deserve clarity on why this hike is necessary and how the additional funds will be used. The continuous rate increases seem to prioritize profit over the needs and well-being of customers.

Given these points, we urge the Public Service Commission to reject Appalachian Power’s request for a 17.6% rate increase. Energy should be affordable and accessible for all residents, and any rate adjustments must be fair, transparent, and justified without placing undue hardship on our community.

Thank you for considering our concerns and for your commitment to protecting the interests of West Virginia’s residents.



Why is this important?

Imagine having to choose between keeping your home warm during the harsh winter months or putting food on the table for your family. This is the stark reality that many West Virginians face daily. Appalachian Power’s proposed 17.6% rate increase will only exacerbate these difficult choices for over 74,000 customers already struggling with financial burdens.

Our community has endured continuous rate hikes over recent years, with increases of 3.5% in 2021, 10% in 2022, and 15.4% in 2023. These cumulative hikes have far outpaced wage growth and cost-of-living adjustments, leaving many families unable to keep up. It’s heartbreaking to think of parents working multiple jobs and still not making enough to cover essential utilities.

Despite these substantial increases, Appalachian Power has failed to provide reliable service. Last winter, many families were left in the cold and dark during one of the coldest periods in years, highlighting the company’s inability to maintain its infrastructure effectively. This lack of reliable service is not just an inconvenience—it’s a matter of safety and well-being.

West Virginia also has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation, with 17.9% of residents living in poverty. The child poverty rate has risen to 25%, the second highest in the United States. Many of our neighbors are already struggling to meet basic needs, and this rate increase will push them further into hardship. It’s unacceptable that while families are making sacrifices, a utility company is prioritizing profit over people’s well-being.

By joining this campaign, you’re standing up for fair and affordable energy rates. You’re supporting families who are doing their best to make ends meet. Together, we can urge the Public Service Commission to reject this unjustifiable rate hike and demand a transparent, fair approach to utility pricing that considers the real-life impacts on our community.




2024-08-12 22:36:17 -0400

Today, I spoke at the public hearing at the Public Service Commission. If you did not get a chance to watch the public hearing, here is a link to the YouTube Live video.

A snippet of the hearing where I spoke can be found here. (Closed Captioning provided)

2024-08-10 11:21:05 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-08-09 17:23:19 -0400

We got our sign thanks to FASTSIGNS in South Charleston. I will be going out this weekend from Huntington, WV and Ravenswood, all the way to Beckley and over. Take pictures if you see me this weekend!

2024-08-08 10:58:53 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-08-06 19:47:48 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-08-05 13:50:16 -0400

10 signatures reached