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To: Students of brownsboro and parents of the students

Take away phone policy in brownsboro high-school for safety reasons

Brownsboro high-school needs to push back on their phone policy due to it being unsafe. For how are students and parents supposed to be able to communicate if we are punished for having our phones out for longer than two minutes? I understand there are phones at the front office, however the people running the front office have zero need to know their students business with their parents. I also understand the prohibition of phone use during class time due to students not getting work done; but trying to move that into lunch time (basically our only break during school) is absurd and completely unnecessary. The last law placed in Texas for phones in school was in 2023, and is why we had no phones in class, which like I stated is completely understandable. Furthermore, Brownsboro High School is placing these rules just because they can and aren’t giving parents or students any reason of why. Not to mention the constant use of staff members on their phones, and the junior high not having the same rules implemented. Going into high school and going through it we are supposed to be treated as adults, but it’s starting to feel like the people that run this school are starting to treat us like children. 

Why is this important?

As I stated before it is important for us high-schoolers to be able to communicate with our parents for when we feel is necessary. I completely understand the abuse of phones, but as high-schoolers we are old enough to take the responsibility of our consequences for abusing our phones if we even do so. 

How it will be delivered

I will bring this petition to the school board when the amount of people needed have signed



2024-08-09 15:00:29 -0400

500 signatures reached

2024-07-26 15:29:21 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-07-26 14:07:40 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-07-26 13:51:08 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-07-26 13:38:04 -0400

10 signatures reached