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To: Mayors, City Council Members, and County Supervisors across the U.S.

Unmask Project 2025: Local Leaders Must Act!

We call on Mayors, City Council Members, and County Supervisors across the U.S. to take immediate action and unmask the threats that Project 2025 will pose to local communities and local government services.

We urge our local city and county officials to take the following immediate steps to protect our communities from Project 2025:

  1. Establish city and county Project 2025 Emergency Task Forces.
  2. Hold public hearings.
  3. Document the impacts that Project 2025 would have on local services and local communities.
  4. Issue public reports on the dangers posed by Project 2025.
  5. Pass public resolutions against Project 2025.
  6. Share all information with local communities and media institutions.

Project 2025 is a profound threat to communities across the U.S.  That's why our city and county leaders must take action now.

Why is this important?

Project 2025 is a dangerous 900-page proposal by the Heritage Foundation that would harm communities across the U.S.  It is a blueprint for rolling back all of the important roles that our governments can play in supporting and affirming healthy and prosperous communities.

Project 2025 would slash government funding for numerous programs. It would dramatically cut funding for environmental protection and give a future White House unchecked power to hurt working people, cut Social Security by raising the retirement age, fire civil servants and replace them with presidential loyalists, eliminate abortion, and roll back our rights.  Project 2025 would also block many of the programs that help fight discrimination in our communities.

City and county officials across the U.S. can take immediate action to unmask the threats posed by Project 2025 to our communities.

Read the Freedom Forward Action Plan and Draft Resolution for city councils and county boards of supervisors:

How it will be delivered

Freedom Forward will work with local communities to deliver this petition to locally elected officials across the U.S. People who sign this petition will also receive important updates on how they can help support local campaigns to unmask and stop Project 2025.




2024-08-06 19:57:45 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

2024-08-06 17:41:25 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-08-04 01:09:01 -0400

10 signatures reached