To: The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Build Clean Nuclear Plants to Fight Global Warming

Nuclear power has proven itself safer than any energy technology. Misinformation about the Fukushima event where no one was killed and the UN says no one will suffer radiation injury is spread by fossil fuel-funded sources like the Sierra Club campaign against nuclear power to destroy competition of their secret funders.

The US Navy has 60 years of 100% safety for 100k crew. U.S. nuclear power plants operate safely and waste has never harmed one person. Notice how descriptions of nuclear dangers always begin with, "This could happen..." Where are the injuries? Where are the dead bodies? Truly dangerous activities always have them. Fossil fuel has those sick and dead bodies. Nuclear power has none.

Why is this important?

To get California and the nation on emission-free, proven, clean power and off dirty, earth-killing fossil fuel. Global warming is worsening. We must lead the world away from fossil fuel energy.