To: Hawaii superdelegates, My state's superdelegates, and My state's superdelegates

Hawaii superdelegates: Let voters decide!

Let the voters decide. Pledge to support the candidate who gets the most pledged delegate votes at the Democratic National Convention.

Why is this important?

I believe strongly in our democratic process, in which citizens have a voice and it is their votes that decide elections. The current Democratic party process does not work that way when it comes to the primaries, since superdelegates are not bound by citizens' votes (they are free to choose a candidate regardless of what the people in that community want).

It's too late in this current primary season to change the way our Democratic party does this, but our Hawaii Democratic superdelegates could do a wonderful thing and take it upon themselves to support the candidate that gets the most pledged delegate votes.

Please let our voices be heard. Thank you!