To: President Donald Trump

Help Susana & Sayra Stay in Our Community!

STOP! the deportation of Susana Bernabe-Ramirez and her daughter, Sayra, who are scheduled to be deported on Friday, April 29th. Susana & Sayra have been in the U.S. for more than 10 years. Susana would leave behind an 11-year old U.S. citizen daughter, Isabela, who has epilepsy, a condition that is worsened by emotional stress and requires excellent medical care and parental supervision. Susana and Sayra have no criminal record, are well-respected by all who know them and have strong ties to our community. Please help us keep this family together!

Why is this important?

Susana and her daughters are at increased risk for violence if they were to be deported their hometown, where the drug trafficking has gained a stronghold in recent years. Susana and her daughter survived a mass shooting in Mexico as part of a growing network of organized crime and her family has experienced extortion in which they had to pay more than 75% of their earnings to a local drug cartel at the threat of violence. Additionally, the medical consequences of Susana’s and Sayra’s deportation are very serious for all, especially for Isabela. Isabela needs to continue her medical care and will be the only member of the immediate family left here if Susana and Sayra are deported.

Susana and Sayra must leave the United States at the end of this month. Tickets are dated for April 29th, 2016. PLEASE ACT NOW TO PREVENT SUSANA AND SAYRA FROM RETURNING TO MEXICO ON APRIL 29th.