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Join Yvonne S. in signing this petition.

To: Joseph R. Biden, Kamala D. Harris, Chuck Schumer, Mike Rounds, Mark Warner, Marco Rubio, Kirsten Gillibrand, Martin Heinrich, Robert Garcia, Mark Kelly

Representation for Experiencers of the NHI Phenomena

I am writing today, representing myself and my fellow experiencers of the non-human intelligence (NHI) phenomena. We are not here to add to the existing problem of the manner in which we, as a country, are to deal with NHI. We are here to ask to be part of the solution. We want to help.
While there are some who would complain about the timing, slow drip, or details of a more comprehensive NHI revelation, the vast majority of experiencers would breathe a collective sigh of relief just to receive acknowledgement from you that the phenomena exists. A public validation from our government, a government for the people, by the people, would be the first gesture of cooperation that we have longed for. 
We recognize that witness experience and our individual takeaway are as varied and diverse as the NHI. The unseen world is as big and complex as the one we know with our physical senses. That is a daunting, complicated concept for anyone to understand. We have never expected our government to have all the answers. We do, however, expect our government to be honest about what it does know. 

Full Letter is Published here:

Why is this important?

This letter is for anyone who supports honesty from our elected officials. You do not have to be an experiencer to support this petition. You do not have to believe the phenomena to be true. You only have to believe that Americans deserve the right to the truth, in a manner that does not undermine the security and integrity of the nation. If you consider yourself a sane, rational, pragmatic person, know that we understand any misgivings about the UAP/UFO/NHI topic. We were right there with you, until we witnessed that which is not supposed to exist. Then we researched, so that we could discount our experiences and go back to our regular lives. We did not realize the luxury of disbelief. Before judging us, or discounting us as crazy, or assuming there is a non-fantastical explanation for what we've encountered, please know that we have tried very hard to discount the phenomena ourselves. It's real, and there are those in our government who are very aware of it - whatever it is. 
We are not trying to get anyone fired, or cause problems with anyone. We just want acknowledgement from those in power - in the spirit of honesty and civility. 


2024-08-01 20:17:07 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-08-01 02:08:19 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-07-31 22:15:38 -0400

10 signatures reached