To: Town Of Moreauville, Mayor Timmy Lemoine, Town Of Moreauville, Alderman Penn Lemoine, Town Of Moreauville, Alderman Oscar P. Goody Jr., Town Of Moreauville, Alderman Felix Benjamin, and Moreauville Police Department, Chief Of Police Scot...

Save Zeus

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Moreauville, Louisana, has placed a vicious dog ban against pit bulls and Rottweilers! On December 1, all pits and Rotts will be confiscated and taken to a local veterinary clinic to be disposed of.
This ban should be lifted and Zeus, our family pet who just so happens to be a pit bull, should be saved and allowed to come back home where he belongs with his family!

Why is this important?

We must reverse the vicious dog ban better known as the Breed Specific Law! We have until December 8, 2014, to show cause and proof why this ban should be lifted and Zeus our family pet which just so happens to be a pitt bull, should be saved and allowed to come back home where he belongs with his family!
