• Fight against cancer, not high prices: Lower Keytruda costs
    Being a cancer patient or having a family member with cancer is already a very difficult situation, besides the immense emotional pain, the cost of treatment can be a heavy burden. The consequences of increasing the price of Keytruda are alarming and for many families, unbearable.Many patients rely on this medication as their best hope for survival, and price hikes could place it out of reach for those who need it most. Price gouging in the pharmaceutical industry not only threatens the lives of vulnerable patients but also reflects a disturbing trend of prioritizing profits over human welfare. We cannot allow greed to dictate access to life-saving treatments. Lowering the price of Keytruda is not only a matter of fairness but a moral imperative to ensure that individuals battling cancer have the opportunity to receive the care they deserve without the already inevitable financial hardship.
    473 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Valeria Trevino
  • Tell TikTok to support artists and musicians!
    TikTok is one of the largest social media platforms right now, and taking direct, actionable steps to support artists and their labor, as well as to prevent artificial intelligence from stealing their work and likenesses, could be a model for how other platforms handle these issues moving forward. But it’s not just about being able to dance and do trends with some of our favorite music. Universal Music Group is pulling its music from TikTok after negotiations failed to extend the licensing agreement between the two companies, and those negotiations centered around prominent issues in today’s society: paying people for their labor, the effects of generative artificial intelligence more broadly, and benchmarks for online safety in a world that has become increasingly reliant on digital communications. TikTok needs to support artists and their labor.
    302 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nakia Stephens
  • Stop Dollar General
    17 Problems: How Dollar Store Chains Hurt Communities https://ilsr.org/17-problems/
    228 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Benjamin McGee
  • Rep. David Trone says "Who cares about that little cemetery?" We Do and We Vote!
    Why was Congressman Trone so dismissive, insulting and ignorant in his interaction with Dr. Marsha Adebayo at a recent MLK event. She asked to talk to him about the Bethesda Road Moses African Cemetery and efforts to reclaim the land to memorialize the lives of enslaved and post-emancipated African Community. Instead of engaging, he dismissed her with a wave of his hand and a turn of his back saying" who cares about that little cemetery?" I care about that "little Cemetery," and I don't care to have a person with David Trone's historical ignorance and dismissiveness towards African American struggles influencing our community. The people in the "little cemetery were human beings and they deserve respect. Most of those buried in the "little" cemetery were children who were kidnapped, raped, murdered and worked to death in Bethesda, Maryland. Why are we still debating whether Black Lives Matter? We need the community to speak out against Congressman Trone's statement. David Mott - retired union organizer, Poor People's Campaign, Montgomery County Contact: bethesdaafricancemeterycoalition.net
    451 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Marsha Adebayo
  • Stop the corporate greed. Protect players and use real grass, NOT TURF!
    Out of 30 NFL teams, 14 use real grass, 14 use artificial turf, and 2 use a hybrid field of grass and artificial materials. It would only cost the NFL 12 million dollars to replace the current turf fields to grass, compared to the nearly $12 billion dollars in revenue that the NFL made in 2023. And that’s not all: Over the last 8 years alone, the NFL has made over 74 BILLION dollars in revenue. Yet, many NFL team owners (30 out of 32 of whom are billionaires and have a combined net worth of over 260 BILLION DOLLARS) would rather prioritize their corporate profits over their players’ safety. For over a decade, NFL players themselves have been very vocal about how much of a toll turf takes on their bodies, and how they dread games where they know they will be playing on turf. The National Football League Players Association (NFLPA), the labor union that represents NFL players, has been advocating for grass fields despite the league’s PR attempts to defend the use of artificial turf. The NFL has a history of putting corporate profits above players: • In the 2000s, Dr. Bennet Omalu discovered a link between football and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) , a degenerative brain disease caused by repeated blows to the head causing concussions. But instead of thinking of ways they could protect their players, the NFL went after Omalu and other scientists studying CTE. After nearly a decade of denial and suppressing scientific evidence, the NFL finally admitted the truth: There is a link between football and CTE. • Back in 2021, after shamefully using “race-norming” which prevented hundreds of Black football players with dementia from qualifying for awards in a $1 billion settlement of concussion clamps, the NFL agreed to end this practice. • The NFL has continued to come under fire for their lack of guaranteed contracts for players. The sham contracts offered by the NFL give so many outs for the corporation that players rarely see the full payouts from their deals. Meanwhile, every other major league in professional sports has guaranteed contracts. This is greed and exploitative, plain and simple, and it's costing players. And these are just a few examples. The NFL must do better and put player safety above corporate profits NOW. Add your name to the petition.
    1,014 of 2,000 Signatures
  • Convert empty offices into affordable housing for the homeless
    These vulnerable citizens - the homeless - are our brothers, sisters, cousins and more. How we treat them is a reflection of who we are. How can anyone stand by and do nothing? More, if you want to see this growing population shrink. If you want the tent towns and dilapidated vehicles to go away...these people need somewhere to go. Providing permanent housing will reduce the 'unsightly' camps. More, it has been proven in multiple countries around the world that giving someone a permanent roof over their heads often leads to a reduction in addictive behaviors, increase in capable workers joining the work force and a return to a healthier lifestyle. If you want to fix the problem of homelessness, then provide homes. And the support needed to keep them under their own roofs.
    359 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kirsten Locke
  • Lower Student Debt Burden
    Let’s think of some things that make a person “stable” early on. - Owning a home out of college - Having the opportunity to save for ones future - Partnership/Family Can a person today with the average income buy a house? The answer is no. Now add student debts with the average interest rates of 3.73%-6.28% hovering over your head right out of college. It’s near impossible to be a home owner, save for retirement, and pay off student loans even with the Income Based Repayment plan put in place for some of us. Having close to zero interest rates would tremendously help individuals to pay off loans and figure out their early years while saving for retirement and future plans.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Abigail Evans
  • Rethinking Proposition 22: Ensuring Fair Compensation and Autonomy for Gig Economy Drivers
    Consequences of not reforming Proposition 22 based on the petition could include: 1. Continued Exploitation of Drivers: Without reform, drivers may remain classified as independent contractors, susceptible to inadequate compensation and denied traditional employee benefits. 2. Economic Inequity: The flawed compensation structure of Proposition 22 may persist, leading to drivers working excessively long hours for insufficient pay, exacerbating economic disparities within the gig economy. 3. High Competition and Diminished Earnings: The absence of measures to regulate the number of drivers on platforms may result in increased competition, diminishing earnings for experienced drivers and exploiting those with less experience. 4. Failure to Address Compensation Discrepancies: The proposed fair compensation structure may not be implemented, leaving drivers with reimbursement rates below IRS standards and hourly rates based on local minimum wage, contributing to financial hardships. 5. Overcrowding in Certain Areas: Without limits on the number of drivers, certain locations may face overcrowding, negatively impacting drivers' ability to earn a reasonable income. 6. Unequal Distribution of Rides: The lack of a priority system for full-time drivers may lead to an uneven distribution of rides, disadvantaging drivers and passengers in specific locations. 7. Inadequate Health Insurance Coverage: The health insurance coverage issues may persist, leaving drivers without proper benefits or alternative compensation for their active time. 8. Continued Lack of Autonomy: Drivers may continue to lack autonomy as independent contractors, with no reforms addressing the need for a balanced system that benefits both drivers and companies. In summary, not reforming Proposition 22 based on the outlined petition could perpetuate the existing problems in the gig economy, leaving drivers vulnerable to exploitation, economic hardships, and an imbalanced system.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Raphael Novaes Picture
  • Petition to end parking meters in the Arts District of Downtown Los Angeles
    We are reflecting the personality of our neighborhood, ensuring Inclusivity and Participation for All. Our mission is simple: 1. Observations/ Questions 2. Research topics 3. Hypothesis 4. Test with experiments 5. Analyze Data 6. Report Conclusions 7. Craft a data-driven framework that prioritizes people We are artists, residents, business owners, students, employees, and visitors. Ultimately, the new pilot parking program damages our collective community spirit. We urge Los Angeles city officials, the Los Angeles Department of Transportation, ADLT Neighborhood Council, and Arts District Los Angeles Business Improvement District - BID to reconsider and introduce a Hybrid Preferential Parking District (PPD). There are other methods to manage traffic congestion or raise revenue without causing damage to students, local businesses, residents, and employees. The Downtown Los Angeles Arts District stakeholders would like to find inclusive community-based solutions that benefit all stakeholders equally.
    710 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Friends of the Arts district Picture
  • No tax dollars for bombing civilians!
    PM Netanyahu and his far-right government are leading a campaign of indiscriminate bombardment, breaking international law both by targeting civilians and using white phosphorus on civilian populations. These attacks have exacerbated the existing humanitarian crisis caused by the Israeli government’s air, land, and sea blockade that has caused catastrophic loss of life. The reality is that the United States government is Israel’s largest supplier of weapons, and every year for the next five years, the U.S. is already sending $3.8 billion in military aid to Israel. And on top of this, multiple billions of dollars have been sent in military aid, which will include military weapons including bombs and tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells, which have been the Israeli military’s weapon of choice in their ground invasion of Gaza. More than 1,200 Israelis were killed in the Hamas attacks on October 7 and 240 taken hostage. The brutal response and incessant airstrikes launched by Netanyahu following the Hamas attacks have not only escalated the violence, they have created an unprecedented humanitarian crisis with one in 200 Palestinians having been killed in Gaza by PM Netanyahu’s military since October 7. Entire multi-generational Palestinian families have been killed. Entire lineages have been wiped out. Nearly half of Gaza's residents are under the age of 16, and 65% are under the age of 25, effectively meaning that Palestinian children are bearing the brunt of the Israeli government’s collective punishment. This unacceptable, inhumane, unjust, collective punishment is also a violation of international law. It must end now. Despite the fact that the Israeli government has cut off fuel, water, and electricity from people in Gaza, doctors and nurses are still doing the best they can to treat their patients. Unfortunately, though, more than half of the 30 hospitals in Gaza have been forced to close, and many have run out of necessary medical supplies like anesthesia and painkillers. And many hospitals have been targeted and bombed by Israeli military airstrikes. 50,000 pregnant women and people are at great risk in Gaza too with miscarriages, premature births, and stillbirths tripling.One mother, Hind S., almost gave birth to her baby under the rubble in the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike before she was dug out and rushed to a hospital where her baby was born with a broken leg from the airstrike. These are only some of the horror stories that have come from PM Netanyahu’s bombardment of Palestinians. We have to stop this. A United Nations human rights expert has even confirmed that Palestinians are facing mass ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Israeli government and occupation forces. United States leaders have the massive power to step in and stop it. If we come together, we can make a huge difference. Our collective calls for a ceasefire are working, and demanding that our tax dollars won’t be used to bomb civilians is another big step that we can take. And the time is NOW to come together and demand it. Will you add your name to the petition?
    112,427 of 200,000 Signatures
  • Support working families at Johanna Foods in Flemington, NJ!
    Because stimulating economic equality and strong worker power helps all workers to win increases in pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions.
    305 of 400 Signatures
    Created by UFCW Local 152
  • It's time to #PassPaidLeave for all!
    The United States is one of only six remaining countries in the world with no guaranteed form of paid leave. Just 25 percent of workers in the entire country have access to paid family leave through their jobs. And here in America, one in four people who have given birth returned to work within two weeks—bleeding, sleep-deprived, and often still injured. There is a human cost to the lack of paid leave, and families are paying for it. Women and caregivers lift up our economy, which also disproportionately relies on the undervalued labor of women of color. Passing paid leave and care policies would yield millions of jobs, billions in wages, and trillions in GDP. It would reduce turnover costs, retain talented workers, and allow employers and small businesses to be more competitive. It would keep working people in their jobs and families afloat.
    30,393 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Manasrah