• Don't Let Congress Reverse Healthy USDA Guidelines!!!
    We as concerned parents, people of the community, and advocates to fight childhood obesity, want Congress to stop the bill that would reverse the progress the USDA is trying to make to make federally funded school lunches healthier. 
The proposed Agriculture Spending Bill that Congress, the frozen food manufacturers, and potato grower lobbyists are trying to pass would: 

1. Block the USDA from limiting starchy vegetables to two servings a week (which include french fries, tater tots, etc). 
 2. Count tomato paste on pizza as a vegetable!!! 
3. Require 'further study' on long term sodium reduction (meaning the school lunches can still contain high amounts of salt/sodium) 
 4. The USDA would have to define 'whole grains' before they regulate them (so school lunches would not have to incorporate more whole grains as asked by the USDA) 

All of these measures are attempts for private food manufacturers to put profits ahead of children's health and we as a members of the public want Congress to NOT pass this bill and think of the 1 in 4 children who are obese and the 1 in 3 adults who are obese. Our country is facing an epidemic as confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control. Billions of US taxpayer's money is spent on the many diseases associated with obesity - don't sell us out!
    371 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Parents for a Healthy School Lunch
  • Tell Congress That Pizza is NOT a Vegetable!
    Tomato sauce on pizza is a vegetable, says Congress; GOP says healthier school lunches are too expensive.
    996 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Erin Lee
  • Wayne Patterson: Step Down from the Warwick School Board
    Wayne Patterson, was charged with Driving While Intoxicated on October 15th, 2011. The school board has strict policies for students on reckless driving and alcohol use. It's important for students to see that DWI is not acceptable behavior for them, or our elected officials. Mr. Patterson needs to set a good example and step down as a school board member.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chrissy Pahucki
  • NYU Student Strike
    ☐ YES. I Will Be There on Thursday, November 17. 1:30 - Tell NYU: Cut the Bull. Rally at Stern. Demand a University for the 99%. Not for the 1%. 3:00 - All-City Student Strike. Union Square. Defend Education. Stop Tuition Hikes. Drop the Debt. Sign the Pledge. Spread the Word. Reclaim NYU.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gould-Wartofsky
  • Reduce the Influence of High-Stakes Standardized Tests in Tennessee
    The results of standardized tests are now the main factor that determines the success or failure of a school, its teachers, and its students. Standardized tests are biased and simply measure test taking skills, not actual knowledge. They stifle teacher creativity and cause many teachers to resent their jobs. It's time to take some of the power away from test results in Tennessee.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marissa Deneka
  • We refuse Rick Scott's signature on a Florida University diploma
    If you have just earned your degree from a Florida University, good job! But on that otherwise pristine diploma there will be a smear of ink that reads, "Rick Scott Governor." Yes, the same governor who works constantly to remove student's rights to higher education, has had the bad taste to put his ugly signature on that beautiful degree! Do you really want him to defile the student's testaments to hard work, intelligence, and dedication?
    883 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Eric Curtisson
  • Stand Up for Racial Justice in Santa Monica – Malibu Schools
    Recent school-based racial incidents demonstrate that our children’s school climate is not safe. Recent test scores demonstrate that, not only has there been no progress closing the racial academic achievement gap, the gap has widened.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Gray
  • Americans deserve to know the truth!
    There have been so many lies spread about President Obama - both personally and professionally. A website has been created in Palm Beach County whose soul intention is to tell the truth about the accomplishment of this President and to state the "pants on fire" and other lies spread and point the finger at the person who spread the lies.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jayne Chapman
  • Override the Cap!
    The tax cap in New York can be overridden by a 60% vote. Stop the cuts, preserve our way of life. Pledge to override the cap!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rich Dashnaw
  • Increase Government Funding to Train New Teachers about Asperger Syndrome
    Asperger Syndrome is a form of autism that is hard to detect. It was recently discovered but many are not aware of what to look for and most educators have no training in recognizing or teaching children with Asperger Syndrome. Many students with this syndrome are given inappropriate educational placements, especially African American males. This helps extend the achievement gap. If placed appropriately, children with Asperger Syndrome will be given the opportunity to learn. (Bill Gates is an example of a person with Asperger Syndrome.)
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alice Phillips
  • Appoint Miguel Ortega to the TUSD Governing Board
    Our kids need an advocate on the TUSD Governing Board! Mr. Ortega has already been vetted by the voting public and almost 40,000 voters found him acceptable--in fact, affirmatively voted for him!--his appointment will be the least politically controversial, thus assuring a smooth transition.
    435 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Appoint Miguel Ortega to the TUSD Governing Board Committee
    College tuition in US has gone through the roof in the past 10-15 years. The reason there is so much default in loan repayment is because the tuition was so high to begin with. This is not so in any other country in the world. In fact, in most countries, university education is free or heavily subsidized by the state. It is only in the US that graduates start life buried in loans. We appeal to universities across the US to lower tuition, so that future generations don't get into the same financial straits that our current graduates are in.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dhilanthi Fernando