• Lower The Independent Age For Financial Age
    The current age to have automatic independent status to receive financial aid is 24. We would like to lower that age to 21 to accommodate more students who are currently unable to qualify for financial aid because they have to file as a dependent. Students should not be denied access to education based on their parents income when they can determine their independence prior to age 24.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Darcie Wasinger
  • African and African American History as a Curriculum in all North Little Rock Schools
    Please pray for all the Black Boys in Special Ed. across this land. Black Males consist of 6% of nation. 85% of special ed. 45% of prison population. 1.5 million in prison. 90% of all Special Ed. ends up in prison!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Jones
  • Save Cooper Union Without Tuition
    Since 2011, the severity of Cooper Union’s financial crisis has catalyzed an enormous response from its community of faculty, students, alumni and staff. Together we’re determined not only to preserve, but to better, Cooper’s foundational mission of free education. We’ve channeled our collective energies into an open, yearlong brainstorming process focused on preserving a tuition-free Cooper Union. Our results, published in the community-authored report The Way Forward, are based on three straightforward principles: 1. Our mission is not fungible; 2. Our best shot—and it’s a good one—is to tackle spending and live within our means; and 3. in our fight, as in our school, we are united. Please sign below in support of Cooper Union's historic mission and visit these links for more information: http://friendsofcooperunion.org http://cusos.org http://www.facebook.com/groups/SaveCooperUnion
    3,837 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Henry Chapman
  • Maintain Low Class-sizes in West Contra Costa District!
    Elementary Schools in WCCSD are poised to see our lower grade class sizes increase up to over 30 students per class. Most studies show kids benefit from low class sizes in every possible respect - - they perform better in school, they have less chance of falling behind and needing additional help, and they see more success in the future. Our school board has a chance to keep class sizes low in their upcoming budget. We’re calling on them to stand up for students and education and keep class sizes low!
    1,073 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Anna
  • Tell the College of Education: STOP Raising our Tuition
    The College of Education at the University of Iowa has raised its tuition rates again for the third year in a row. We are presenting this petition to the Board of Regents to say that enough is enough! The Regents meet on Thursday, October 27th, 2011 to make this decision, so we must get as many signatures as possible in a very short time. Please help us spread the word to any College of Education graduate students you know!
    160 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mandy Biggers
  • Save the TIU Chemistry Department
    The second core value of Trinity is "Comprehensive Education." The Chemistry program is integral to the Biology program, the Pre-Medical program, the Pre-Physical Therapy program, the Athletic Training program, the Pre-Nursing program, the Biology Secondary-Ed program, and even the newly instituted Pre-Physican's Assistant program, so as a result, all of these programs will be affected. As an outreach to the Administration, we past and present Trinity community members want to express the importance of Chemistry and Biology in a comprehensive education. Furthermore, our main goal is to keep at least one full-time Chemistry faculty member on staff who can teach all the Chemistry classes that are required for all the programs listed above. Without this faculty member, all other science programs at TIU will diminish over time, as adjunct professors cannot replace the effort and time put in by full-time professors. To the Trinity Administration and Board of Regents, we say this: Please reconsider your decision to close the Chemistry Department, or at the very least, keep our full-time Chemistry faculty member so that the science program as a whole will not be fatally hurt.
    350 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Josiah Zacharias
  • Support King Lab as a K-8 Fine Arts Magnet School
    This petition is in response to District 65 School Board discussions about possibly eliminating King Lab as a K-8 Fine Arts Magnet School. We need to send a strong message to the District 65 School Board that eliminating King Lab as a K-8 Fine Arts Magnet School should not be an option.
    564 of 600 Signatures
    Created by King Lab PTA
  • Nottingham SU: provide transport for the 9th!
    With the ongoing privatisation of the university system in the UK and the scrapping of EMA, students and young people are gathering in London on November the 9th to protest. Nottingham students will need transportation that should be the responsibility of their Union to provide. More details of the protest can be found here: http://anticuts.com/2011/09/22/nus-officially-supports-november-9th-national-demonstration/ (We need more than 50 signatures- so please keep signing)
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nottingham Students Against Fees And Cuts
  • PTO's not CEO's
    The Michigan Legislature has slashed school funding in order to give 1.8 Billion dollars worth of tax cuts to corporations. Not one job has been created, but thousands have been lost. With the realization of 285 million dollars in unexpected revenue, it is time for the Legislature to restore K-12 school funding, and to stop attacking the labor rights of public sector employees.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Myron
  • Student loan forgiveness
    with the problems in the economy and homes being foreclosed, families struggling to maintain shelter and food, forgiving student loans would be a stimulus that would really help our economy
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sabrina Murray
  • Save the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at Wayne State University
    Detroit's Wayne State University President Allan D. Gilmour has moved to have the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies closed, with a final vote of the Board of Governors to be decided in December. The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts (where the Center resides), Robert Thomas, has given a directive to have a formal annual commitment of $177,000 as a pre-condition to withdraw its request for closure by a self-defeating deadline of October 21, 2011. We are intent on taking a collective stand on the import of keeping the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies open.
    1,016 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Allison Glenn
  • zoning variance at 1121 South 48th Street
    our school has been working very hard over the last year to secure a school space of our own. After months of searching, we found a building that exceeds many of the needs that our membership identified: lots of light, high ceilings, large outdoor space, sufficient square footage, within walking distance, adaptability to meet fire code, adaptability to meet the ADA requirements and have the residential quality that we have come to value through our time on Baltimore Avenue. What this building is missing, however, is the proper zoning classification for our use. Even though we do not feel like a commercial operation, the city classifies any group of children greater than 7 to be a "commercial day care center" thus requiring "C" zoning.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Vinicio Guevara