Jewish Community Action

Jewish Community Action’s mission is to bring together Jewish people from diverse traditions and perspectives to promote understanding and action about social and economic justice issues in Minnesota.

Founded in 1995, with a unique model that combines traditional congregational-based community organizing with issue-based campaign work, we engage our community and bring a distinctly Jewish voice to the fight for justice.

We work in partnerships with local coalitions, interfaith  initiatives, neighborhood groups, and minority and immigrant groups working for social and economic justice in our region. 

We believe in working collectively and acting as allies, directly addressing the root causes of poverty, racism, and injustice. 

We know that being in relationship with one another will make us more invested in and accountable to each other. We train teams of committed volunteer leaders, who take this work inward to their congregations as well as outward into the broader community. 

Our work is driven by our Jewish values; as we honor our history and ancestors, we commit to our shared future and our own power to make real social change.