To: The Minnesota State House and The Minnesota State Senate

05/15/17 Minnesota Legislators: Provide Adequate Funding For Veterans And Low-income Transit Rid...

The Duluth MN Vets Cemetary, the closed bridge to the Mpls.Vets Home, and Improvements for MN Vets Homes, as well as Rolling Hills Transit Extended routes picking up and dropping off in Winona, aren't being allocated any funds despite a $1.6, Billion Surplus in the MN Budget, and it's almost the close of the session - a bunch of malarkey. Sign now to let our legislators know they're accountable to the citizens of MN.

Why is this important?

It's completely unacceptable to ignore funding for our veterans here in MN, that need burial, a safe way to get into the Mpls. Vets Home, and Repairs and Improvements for ALL MN Vets Homes, and unacceptable to leave Winona, MN moderate to low income citizens without affordable transit services to outlying areas such as Rochester, for needed specialized medical care and other necessities that Winona doesn't have. This sends a message to the citizens of MN, that we are not valued, respected, or even cared about. Sign on before the session end date of 05/22/17, so our legislators are aware that they are accountable to us, their constituents, and that they work for us, and that we will not accept neglect as something normal.