To: President Donald Trump, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

22 Year Veterans Disability decision in ten minutes

Stop treating Veterans like there is nothing wrong with them after they serve their time. Check their DD214's it tells you if there will be complications for them down the road. Help them out they put their life in harms way for our country, and now they can't get compensation for what they did.

Why is this important?

Veterans with Disabilities having their claims being decided in an office with VA care providers in less than 10 minutes. If you have been in since the age of 18 and there wasn't anything wrong with you going in, and now for all of those years; why does it take them over two years to come up with a decision. when all they have to do is check your DD214 to see how many times you have been deployed, and where you have been deployed and the type of combat badges you have. After all is said and done the Veteran still has to file and appeal trying to prove that this is service connected, WHY???