To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

$8 Billion Surplus for the Citizens of Texas

To use the $8 Billion surplus that the State of Texas has on proposals that will benefit every Texan, not just a certain few. $4B on infrastructure, which will produce jobs - $3B on just education needs of public/private schools - $500M on healthcare for children, women and men of Texas - $500M to use as refunds to the 18M or so taxpayers

Why is this important?

To propose to the State of Texas legislature on what "critical" issues of state that this surplus should be spent on. Exclusively, designated, nothing else but these needs. From seeing how our education system is basically suffering and last in the nation, I do not want my grandchildren to have to suffer from a State that only proposes cuts to education. To use monies for infrastructure repair across the state which will benefit all and will employ thousands of Texans. To use monies for our healthcare system, to help treat all Texans, including children, women and men. Lastly to use the rest of the remaining balance to refund each taxpayer "equally" of Texas which will be used to support businesses, bring more taxes into the coffers to use on further needs of the State and help families, taxpayers struggling, so they can pay off some bills so that they will have more money to spend in the State of Texas. I and all Texans will benefit from all of these proposals.