To: President Donald Trump, John B. Mattingly, Commissoner of ACS, Micheal Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, Christine Quinn, Speaker of the NYC City Council, Bill deBlasio, NYC Public Advocate, The New York State House, The New York State ...

A Challange to the Early Learn RFP

From: The Professional Association of Day care Directors

We, the undersigned, are opposed to the Early Learn RFP in it's current form. We raise the following seven areas of concern:

(1) the timeframe for the RFP and implementation of Early Learn

(2) the 6.7% provider contribution

(3) unresolved labor and collective bargaining issues

(4) a lack of a unified program assessment

(5) the impact on family child care networks (no technical supports)

(6) the lack of a provision for health insurance

(7) and the lack of a demonstration project with an evaluative component on Early Learn.

We are calling for the withdrawal of the Early Learn RFP until these issues are addressed. Agencies must have a reasonable opportunity to prepare for such a major change in our Child Care System and a study must be conducted to determine the impact of these changes.

Why is this important?

The ACS Early Learn RFP creates a serious and complex issue for the New York City publicly funded child care system at this time. As stated by the Day Care Council of New York," nonprofit providers from small community based child care centers, family child care providers, as well as, large multi-service organizations servicing 100 or more children in various community neighborhoods are grappling with a disturbing situation with very little recourse." We are calling on ACS to withdraw the Early Learn RFP until the many areas of concern are addressed.
