To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
A Plan to Save Syria
We propose the following comprehensive approach to Syria designed to provide a neutral, non-sectarian governing body, restore security and build prosperity through rebuilding the country. Similar to the German Marshall Plan:
1) Put Syria under the governance of a temporary governing body composed of representatives of the United Nations.
2) Create a rebuilding program that offers jobs to every able-bodied person -- rebuilding cities and infrastructure, caring for sick and wounded, planting and harvesting and distributing food and food aid; providing education for children and all illiterate, transport, road building, etc.
3) Demand that all sectarian violence cease. Perpetrators of violence will be ejected from the country. Only those committed to restoring their country for the benefit of all will be allowed to stay and participate in the new economy. No retributions from either side will be allowed.
4) Ensure that contracts are fairly awarded and contribute to building new businesses and developing skills, rather than being awarded to multi-national corporations and corrupt Assad cronies and relatives.
1) Put Syria under the governance of a temporary governing body composed of representatives of the United Nations.
2) Create a rebuilding program that offers jobs to every able-bodied person -- rebuilding cities and infrastructure, caring for sick and wounded, planting and harvesting and distributing food and food aid; providing education for children and all illiterate, transport, road building, etc.
3) Demand that all sectarian violence cease. Perpetrators of violence will be ejected from the country. Only those committed to restoring their country for the benefit of all will be allowed to stay and participate in the new economy. No retributions from either side will be allowed.
4) Ensure that contracts are fairly awarded and contribute to building new businesses and developing skills, rather than being awarded to multi-national corporations and corrupt Assad cronies and relatives.
Why is this important?
We need a comprehensive approach to Syria that can serve as a peacemaking, prosperity-building model for the region. We need to break the endless cycle and horror of sectarian violence and dictators holding power through terror and genocide. The German Marshall plan offers a model that can be followed in Syria. Join me in proposing that our national and global leaders adopt and enact a visionary solution.