To: The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

"a potential American recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian occupied Golan"

We, as American citizens, are proud that the Founding Fathers understood that if
America does not have sovereignty, it does not have independence. The United States
is an independent nation, governed by the American people, who adopted the
Constitution and created the government. They elect their representatives and make
their own laws. We all remember and respect the principle established by our Founding
Fathers, which states “OURS IS A GOVERNMENT OF LAWS NOT OF MEN”.

Why is this important?

Dear Congressman/Senator…
We write to you today, as American citizens and American of Syrian origin, to draw your urgent attention to the recent media reports and congressional hearing about “a potential American recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian occupied Golan”.
We call upon you to consider the consequences and repercussions of such an act on the national security of the United States, as well as on its international status and credibility.
In recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian occupied Golan, the United States is retreating from its long-standing political positions and commitment to the principle of the impermissibility of acquiring other’s territory by force. For a long time, the US has acted as a peaceful broker in the conflict between Arabs and Israelis, through negotiation and diplomatic means based on the “Land for Peace” Principle.
We would like to remind you that on December 17, 1981, The United States voted in favor of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 497. This resolution decided that the Israeli Law to annex the Syrian occupied Golan, is "null and void and without international legal effect". Furthermore, this Resolution called on Israel to rescind this action.
Our country, the United States of America, has been one of the major founders of the United Nations. We believe that the credibility and international status of the United States as a fair mediator will be greatly affected and damaged by such an act.
Moreover, such a recognition by the United States would violate international law, because all resolutions adopted by the United Nations since 1967 have provided for the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force and have asked Israel to withdraw from the territories it has occupied by force, including the occupied Syrian Golan.
We, as American citizens, are proud that the Founding Fathers understood that if America does not have sovereignty, it does not have independence. The United States is an independent nation, governed by the American people, who adopted the Constitution and created the government. They elect their representatives and make their own laws. We all remember and respect the principle established by our Founding
Fathers, which states “OURS IS A GOVERNMENT OF LAWS NOT OF MEN”.
We, as American citizens and American of Syrian origin are presenting our
plea, asking you to think carefully before taking any action concerning the rights of another sovereign state, which damages the image of the United States as a great nation that respects and adheres to the principles of the American Constitution and international law. We count on your wisdom not to provide terrorist groups with a new pretext to further fuel violent extremism.
The national interests of the United States of America will be preserved as long as our Government abides by international law and the legal and moral principles on which this great country was founded.
American Citizen and Syrian American Citizen
