To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

A statement to China about Immolation

Tibetan immolation is a sign of frustration of a suppressed people. We as a free people have heard the cries of desperation and can no longer keep silent. We urge all in the position of power and authority to hear our voices. We should not turn our thoughts away from people who need us the most. China must protect the human rights of the Tibetan People or they must admit that the Tibetans are not Chinese.

Why is this important?

This is a petition requesting that China should make efforts to address the suffering of the Tibetan People in Tibet. There has only been silence regarding the ever increasing number of Tibetan's committing immolation. China must come to terms with this reality and not think that it will go away. We the world must know what solution does China have? Blaming the Dalai Lama is not a solution to the failed policies in Tibet. Please support this effort. The Tibetan issue will not go away, how can we have good trade relationship with China when human rights means so little to them