To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Absolutely No Social Security or Medicare Reductions

Taking funds away from our social programs IS NOT STRENGTHENING ANYTHING!

Sign below to let all of our "elected" SERVANTS know that they are being put on notice to not remove, reduce, redirect or in any way change our social programs unless it's to increase benefits or they will not be re-elected.

Why is this important?

Obamacare has already slammed seniors that have been carrying Medicare Advantage Plans by almost doubling premiums, increasing co-pays and in some cases quadrupling deductibles up ward of $2,500 per year. Most seniors can barely pay their property taxes and are losing their homes and leaving themselves with no where to go.

Social Security on the other hand has not kept pace with inflation for years as energy and food costs are totally ignored when calculating the yearly COLA. Just like everyone else's food and energy costs go up - seniors and the disabled are also paying $4.00 a gallon for gas and we're getting the smaller boxes and cans at the grocery store just like everyone else.

Property taxes have been increasing by double digits since the financial crisis, last year alone took an extra 18% to cover the taxes which in York County are some of the highest in the state of PA. For a house worth $100,000 which isn't much you'll pay around $4,000 a year, about $335 a month.

The average Social Security check is about $14,232 a year or $1,186 a month less the property taxes of $335 and about $170 a month for Medicare premiums leaving roughly $666 a month to pay all the other bills, food, doctors, medications, utilities, car insurance, homeowners insurance, etc. Figure $100+ for heating or cooling and $150 for communications (TV, phone, internet) forget the smart phone because there's only $416 left to live on for the month or $14 per day and we still haven't paid all the bills for the month.

Does that sound survivable to anyone? And Obama has already indicated his desire to cut the social programs.

We must say NO NOW and we must say it LOUD!
Not only do we have huge increasing expenses for medical care but our monthly Social Security checks ARE NOT COVERING OUR EXPENSES.

Does Obama want to create a new criminal? The Senior Swindler that has to go out and steal other people's money to save themselves? Is this really how we want our seniors to live?