To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Abused and Illegally Evicted

Abuse and Illeagally Evicted by the abuser!

Why is this important?

I have been emailing my 2 landlords since April 16th, 2012 about the abuse that I was going through at home. The 2 landlords always reminded myself as well as my abusive ex-boyfriend of how we are binded by the lease and my ex used that to his advantage. My life was threatened by my ex on December 7th and 8th and I am recieving nasty emails from one of the landlords who is a Lawyer in Hauppauge, NY. The landlord continues to state that my ex and I are binded by the lease and my ex has used that to his advantage thats why the abuse continued and got worse. I have contacted every legal service in Rochester Ny only to get the run around by everyone and to find out no one can help me. Not only am I homeless as of now I am being sued for $1800.00 by the landlord. When will abusers start paying for their own actions instead of the women who continues to suffer behind their actions.