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To: President Biden, his Cabinet, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Schumer, and every member of Congress

ACT Now! Let's leave things better than we found them

Let's face it: the last year plus has been tough on everyone. We lost more than 600,000 friends and family members to Covid-19; millions lost their jobs and are still out of work; tens of thousands of small businesses have closed; and kids missed out on a year of school, exercise, and socialization.

The murder of George Floyd not only exposed institutional racism, it also sparked a racial reckoning about the work we still need to do to create a more just and equitable society.
And while life is picking up once again, we are staring down the barrel of what is expected to be a historically hot summer, one of the worst hurricane seasons ever experienced, and perhaps the worst wildfire season on record.

But there's one thing Congress can do to help resolve all of these crises: pass bold climate and infrastructure investments that will create good, family-sustaining jobs to get the economy back on track, cut the carbon pollution that contributes to climate change, and prioritize environmental justice in underserved communities.

This is not a time to put our heads in the sand or settle for half measures. It is urgent that Congress pass a bill that makes the big, bold and ambitious investments needed to tackle the climate crisis, achieve true environmental justice, and accelerate the transition to clean energy. To meet this moment, to heed the science, and to make good on President Biden’s promises, Congress must act now to deliver on climate, justice, and jobs.

Why is this important?

Sign here to call on your member of Congress to #ACTNow!



2021-09-18 16:40:03 -0400

50 signatures reached

2021-08-11 19:52:23 -0400

25 signatures reached

2021-07-30 14:30:07 -0400

10 signatures reached