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To: U.S. House of Representatives

ADD YOUR NAME: Make John Bolton Testify

Trump’s former National Security Advisor John Bolton says that he has new, relevant information about the Ukraine scandal to share -- and that he is “prepared to testify” if the Senate calls him as a witness in the impeachment trial.

We don’t know if Mitch McConnell will allow witnesses in the Senate’s trial -- but either way, Congress and the public deserve to hear what Bolton knows without further delay. The House of Representatives must immediately subpoena Bolton and compel his sworn testimony.

Why is this important?

Even after House members have voted to impeach President Trump, they still have important work to do.

Right now, they’re negotiating with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to stop him from rigging President Trump’s impeachment trial for an acquittal.

But McConnell can’t stop them from continuing to investigate the White House as a co-equal branch of government. And they can start right now by subpoenaing former National Security Advisor John Bolton -- who said he’d be “prepared to testify” in a Senate trial.

Top national security officials have already testified that Bolton, who abruptly left in September, was concerned by Trump’s efforts to strongarm Ukraine by withholding military aid -- allegedly equating the discussions to a “drug deal.”

Bolton has firsthand knowledge of Trump’s extortion scheme -- others have testified that he tried to stop it as it happened. It’s possible that he’ll be a big crack in the dam, leading to more and more administration officials coming forward to tell the truth and avoid going down with Trump.

A House subpoena is backed by force of law -- and even though Bolton’s lawyers won’t confirm whether he’d testify to the House as well, the House would be within its rights to use any legal means needed to compel his testimony.

If you agree that we have a right to hear John Bolton’s potentially damning testimony about Trump, add your name to tell House Democrats to subpoena him.


2020-01-21 08:30:25 -0500

50 signatures reached

2020-01-10 23:02:07 -0500

25 signatures reached

2020-01-08 09:12:23 -0500

10 signatures reached