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To: U.S. Congress


The Independence Day American’s celebrate annually as a national holiday was built from enslavement and forced labor of Africans for centuries in the United States. Cotton, the white mans gold is the foundation and revolution of America thru the enslavement of Blacks. African Americans were worked so hard from sun up to sun down that autopsy show how some muscle tore from their bones. REPARATIONS FOR SLAVERY, CIVIL WAR, JIM CROW, MASS INCARCERATION, HATE CRIMES AGAINST AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE PAST DUE.

Why is this important?

$12,000 per person annually at 47 million is roughly 5.64e11 Five hundred six hundred sixty-four thousand million dollars is a start for America to repay African Americans. An African American Homestead Act implementing the 1865 40 acre and mule Act of the Special Fields Order No 15 for the stolen land and economic hardship inflicted on African Americans are also over due. Sign today to demand REPARATIONS for African Americans Now!


2022-07-06 13:06:18 -0400

10 signatures reached