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To: Lydia Russo

Against sidewalk in Rock Manor

My name is Lydia Russo, I have resided at 14206 Greenspan Lane for over 30 years. I am both registered voter and a taxpayer . Please find my concerns in opposition to the sidewalk proposal for Rock Creek Manor.

(1) Rock Creek Manor does not have the level of pedestrian traffic to justify spending tax payer / registered voter hard earned money on the installation of sidewalks. This project would be an grossly insulting waste of tax payer money.

(2) The installation of sidewalks would require the removal of mature trees. This would result in repercussions in the natural habitat of cicadas currently hibernating on send tree roots.

(3) Further, the removal of mature trees has repercussions on climate change something that we are all very concerned with. Do we really want to destroy our natural habitat and our earth further than we already have. Our elected officials in Washington DC, have instituted incentives for automotive companies to manufacturer green cars, do we really want to be the first county in Maryland to work in opposition of our wise elected officials, and cut down our green trees. As environmentalist I am beyond opposed to the destroying of our natural habitat.

(4) The installing a sidewalk would also require the removal of our precious green grass and soil . As a result we would have more runoff of water into our property and into our sewage systems . As an environmentalist I am sure this will result in further pollution to our beloved Chesapeake Bay . Is Montgomery county ready to be known as polluters of their neighbors down shore.

(5) Further, the installation Sidewalks in this aging elderly community would require that fixed income senior citizens pay out of there meager income for snow removal, or worse risk their health both orthopedic and cardiac by removing snow themselves.

(6) The installation of sidewalks would lead to declining property values. Those of us who purchased our homes due to a long driveway and the ability to keep vehicles off the street, would now have a short driveway. Vehicles would then have to be parked on the street. This would lead to shortened driveways and decreased property values. Not to mention damage to personal property.

(7) Students at Wood Jr. High, have historically been noted to frolic and damage personal property along Greenspan Lane. This would bring undisciplined adolescent traffic closer to our front doors and vehicles. Increasing the opportunity for damage to personal property.

In summation, the installation of sidewalks in Rock Creek Manor, is a BAD proposal for several reasons. First it is bad for nature, and our declining environment. Second, it is bad for our friends down shore as well as the Bay itself. Third, it is bad for the local economy. Initially, due to the expense of building the sidewalks, and then again due to the expensive of maintenance. The level of pedestrian traffic in the area simply does not require such a financial burden on the community.

I would hope that the committee discussing this proposal will take into consideration those of us who actually live in the community, and are in fact not catering to some special interest. Again, I truly hope you are actually listening to our concerns and not pretending because you are a public servant paid from out tax dollars. Not every public servant can be voted out some have to be petitioned out.

Thank you for your time.

Lydia Russo

Why is this important?

My name is Lydia Russo, I have resided at 14206 Greenspan Lane for over 30 years. I am both registered voter and a taxpayer . Please find my concerns in opposition to the sidewalk proposal for Rock Creek Manor.

(1) Rock Creek Manor does not have the level of pedestrian traffic to justify spending tax payer / registered voter hard earned money on the installation of sidewalks. This project would be an grossly insulting waste of tax payer money.

(2) The installation of sidewalks would require the removal of mature trees. This would result in repercussions in the natural habitat of cicadas currently hibernating on send tree roots.

(3) Further, the removal of mature trees has repercussions on climate change something that we are all very concerned with. Do we really want to destroy our natural habitat and our earth further than we already have. Our elected officials in Washington DC, have instituted incentives for automotive companies to manufacturer green cars, do we really want to be the first county in Maryland to work in opposition of our wise elected officials, and cut down our green trees. As environmentalist I am beyond opposed to the destroying of our natural habitat.

(4) The installing a sidewalk would also require the removal of our precious green grass and soil . As a result we would have more runoff of water into our property and into our sewage systems . As an environmentalist I am sure this will result in further pollution to our beloved Chesapeake Bay . Is Montgomery county ready to be known as polluters of their neighbors down shore.

(5) Further, the installation Sidewalks in this aging elderly community would require that fixed income senior citizens pay out of there meager income for snow removal, or worse risk their health both orthopedic and cardiac by removing snow themselves.

(6) The installation of sidewalks would lead to declining property values. Those of us who purchased our homes due to a long driveway and the ability to keep vehicles off the street, would now have a short driveway. Vehicles would then have to be parked on the street. This would lead to shortened driveways and decreased property values. Not to mention damage to personal property.

(7) Students at Wood Jr. High, have historically been noted to frolic and damage personal property along Greenspan Lane. This would bring undisciplined adolescent traffic closer to our front doors and vehicles. Increasing the opportunity for damage to personal property.

In summation, the installation of sidewalks in Rock Creek Manor, is a BAD proposal for several reasons. First it is bad for nature, and our declining environment. Second, it is bad for our friends down shore as well as the Bay itself. Third, it is bad for the local economy. Initially, due to the expense of building the sidewalks, and then again due to the expensive of maintenance. The level of pedestrian traffic in the area simply does not require such a financial burden on the community.

I would hope that the committee discussing this proposal will take into consideration those of us who actually live in the community, and are in fact not catering to some special interest. Again, I truly hope you are actually listening to our concerns and not pretending because you are a public servant paid from out tax dollars. Not every public servant can be voted out some have to be petitioned out.

Thank you for your time.

Lydia Russo


2022-05-02 07:06:50 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-04-30 11:46:48 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-04-29 10:41:08 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-04-28 11:25:05 -0400

10 signatures reached