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To: Mary Wimmer, David Hines, Joe Paddock, AIA executive Board

AIA 2023 Track and Field State Championship Qualifier

The State Divisional Track and Field Meet (State Championship Qualifier) for ALL divisions should be competed over the same time period for the competition and have the same amount of days of rest. If one division is able to get a day of rest in between the two days of competition then all divisions should require the same amount.

To accommodate the athletes for this year, AIA should allow additional entries for all events that were competed in on Saturday May 6th for the athletes only in Divisions 2, 3, 4, and 5. The majority of the athletes that qualified for the State Championship Meet were in Division 1. Division 1 was given an additional day of rest between the two days of competition thus equating to slower times for all other divisions on the second day. The lower divisions also made decisions to limit their athlete's entered events because of this lack of rest given.

Why is this important?

Athletes should be given the same opportunity to compete at the highest level of their ability, especially when all are required to compete in a qualification round. If athletes are vying for the same available spots, no competitive advantage should be awarded to any athlete.

How it will be delivered

The petition will be shared over social media and email.


2023-05-10 01:04:11 -0400

100 signatures reached

2023-05-09 23:19:38 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-05-09 18:04:55 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-05-09 15:35:51 -0400

10 signatures reached