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To: Mrs James (superintendent) Mrs. Thompson (Dean of Students)

Allow Two Women to Walk Together in Homecoming As President and Vice President

Shy and I would like to walk together in Homecoming as FFA President and Vice President. This is discrimination against us. In the student hand book, page 30, line 1 of the Sexual Harassment clause, it says "The policy of this school district forbids discrimination against, or harassment of ANY student on the basis of sex." We are not together, nor a couple, even though this shouldn't be of any consolation. If two women can go to prom together, or even get married, why can we not walk down the field together to represent an organization that we both love. This is our last year here as officers and we want to do this together. There isn't a boy in FFA willing to walk. There isn't even a boy officer to walk. We are willing and able to do this, and there isn't any reason why we shouldn't be able to. 

Why is this important?

This is important because this is our last year, and we love FFA want to represent it is as officers 



2024-10-20 22:34:32 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-09-17 17:11:30 -0400

10 signatures reached