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To: Community Members in Malibu

Amend the LCP to Include a Concession Stand in the Table of Uses

We did it! The council heard us and are moving forward; they are first trying to change the interpretation of the LCP before amending the table of uses. But I am hopeful if the interpretation does not go through they will do the text amendment.

Last spring 2022 the Parks and Rec Commission agendized the disrepair of the snack shack and need for a remodel. Unfortunately, after multiple commission meetings and staff hours spent trying to mediate the problem. The conclusion was made that the LCP (local coastal plan) does not include a “concession stand” in its table of uses. Ultimately, halting us to do anything to repair the snack shack for our children to use at AYSO and Little League games. We have made our voices heard to the council about the need for a snack shack. On Mondays Council meeting changing the LCP to include a concession stand is finally on the agenda. The council will vote on this at the 3/27/2023 meeting. We need your support and voice to bring the snack shack back to Bluffs park. Please sign this petition in support of amending the LCP to include a concession stand.

Why is this important?

This is for the youth of Malibu now and all future generations.


2023-03-29 13:57:41 -0400

Petition is successful with 469 signatures

2023-03-25 15:07:34 -0400

100 signatures reached

2023-03-25 10:40:10 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-03-25 00:47:53 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-03-25 00:06:35 -0400

10 signatures reached