To: President Donald Trump

American Missionary Wants Her Package

I filled out all the paperwork, even got my priest-director's friend in La Paz to try to get it but the fee just kept going up and up. They call it rent. The officials in La Paz took the candy my friend Andrea Hess had lovingly put in there for the kids because they were now outdated. There were clothes and gifts for the kids and even some meds for the girls' acne and for their teeth. It cost Andrea a lot of money to fill up the box and ship it but she knew that we were all having challenges adjusting to our new life and she wanted to make it as pleasant as possible. I am not here to proselytize but more to help the street kids because there is no place for them to go. I am in Santa Cruz, Bolivia and I would love for President Obama now that there is diplomatic relations at last between the two countries to please help. It is just a box but it was filled with lots of care and the children, ages 12, 14, 15, 18 and I would love to have it.

Why is this important?

A package was sent to my adopted children and me, a single-mom missionary who is helping the street kids in Bolivia. It arrived on April 28 and she still hasn't gotten it due to bureaucratic red tape..
