To: Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany and President Donald Trump

An Apology to Dr. Merkel for Trump's rudeness

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Dr. Merkel, please accept our apology for Donald Trump's refusal to shake hands on camera. Bitte akzeptieren Sie unsere aufrichtige Entshuldigung... (please accept our sincere apology)

Why is this important?

This petition serves as an apology to Dr. Merkel on behalf of the signatories- the many Americans who were embarassed by Trump's lack of respect when he deliberately refused to shake her hand on camera during her visit. His lack of respect does not represent us. Bitte akzeptieren Sie unsere aufrichtige Entshuldigung... (please accept our sincere apology)