To: The Hawaii State House, The Hawaii State Senate, and Governor David Ige

annual mandatoryreview of HHA tenants in public housing system-household size & income eligibility

Enforce mandatory annual review and re-eligibilty for HHA and section 8 tenant and limit tenant occupancy in HHA or section 8 unit ; enforce a back to work program for adult tenants.

Why is this important?

years ago i was an eligjble receipient of HHA; my 4 children and i were able to move into a 3 bedroom apartment and with assistance from the state and a part time job i paid $320.00 for our unit. our family decided to let their dad back into our family; so we reported HIS income, and relinquised financial assistance from the state; so with HIS income and my part time income our rent was raised to $730.00- still cheap; but we felt it unfair that other families in the same housing area;drove nice cars; wore nice clothes and had more people in their units then allowed-probably didnt report income changes. there should be an annual mandatory re-eligibilty for HHA. and add a back to work program for ALL adults tenants.
today our family is renting in the private sector and struggling but paying monthly rent of $2500.00 for a 5bdrm 3 bath home