To: Eric Garcetti and Gil Cedillo
The Art Peace Park initiative is an educational platform for youth to learn and exercise civic empowerment and self expression through the arts. We are asking mayor Eric Garcetti, Gil Cedillo CD-1, Mitch O'Farrell, CD-13, and José Huizar, CD-14, to team up and gather funding at the city and district levels to provide pathways for youth to learn how to obtain a permit for public murals.
Why is this important?
The Los Angeles City Abatement Department spends roughly $28 million dollars per year to paint over tagging and art work from private and public properties. With the recently lifting of the decade old mural ban, we see an opportunity for youth to learn about civic empowerment through the permit process at the district and city levels. We feel education and hands on experience through our ART PEACE PARK initiative can help ensure the new outdoor murals ordinances are understood and used in a manner all can enjoy. We are asking The City of Los Angeles to dedicate 1% of the budget they are spending on the current abatement program for educational initiatives like Art Peace Park.