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To: ABC News debate moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis

Ask about abortion in the next presidential debate!

The presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump concluded on September 10, 2024. The debate moderators, while they didn't ask our exact questions, did confront Trump about his track record on abortion and corrected disinformation in real time, and asked both candidates about why Americans should trust them when it comes to abortion.

You can read our full recap of how abortion was discussed during the debate here:

Access to abortion care is under serious threat nationwide, as states continue to pass burdensome and dangerous restrictions. An increasing number of states are implementing draconian laws around reproductive health care—or completely banning abortion outright. Since 2010, more than 400 restrictions on abortion care have been enacted in various states.

Soon, our presidential candidates Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump will take to the debate stage. As September draws closer, we need to know that ABC News moderators will prioritize a real conversation about essential reproductive health care on the debate stage. Voters deserve to know exactly where their candidates stand on abortion rights.

Why is this important?

It's been two years since the Supreme Court shamefully overturned Roe v. Wade, stripping millions of Americans of their right to decide if, and when, to start a family. Many states have moved to enforce extremely restrictive laws on abortion—some as early as six weeks. In 14 states, abortion is banned in almost all circumstances. 

As politicians nationwide continue to attack our bodily autonomy, voters need to know where our presidential candidates stand on reproductive rights. Vice President Harris deserves a chance to make her stance on abortion access crystal clear. Meanwhile, voters should hear exactly what President Trump means when he says that abortion should be “left up to the states” or “there has to be some form of punishment” for people seeking abortion care.

Just this month, new reports surfaced of women with dangerous pregnancy complications who were forced to give birth due to state abortion bans, leading to serious and permanent health consequences. We need to hear from our candidates: What would you say to these women, their families, and the doctors and physicians sounding the alarm about the dangerous impacts of state abortion bans? And what would you say to Americans concerned that these bans have gone too far?

As we head into the final stretch of this election season, abortion must be part of the public conversation so voters can support candidates who unequivocally fight for reproductive rights. Debate moderators must get our candidates on the record: What role does the federal government play in making sure that every American, regardless of where they live, can access a full range of essential reproductive health care, including abortion?

Add your name to our petition now and urge moderators at ABC News to ask about abortion in the next presidential debate.



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