To: Facebook

Ask Facebook to Remove Harmful Group "Manhood University"

Facebook, remove the group entitled "Manhood University," a hate group disguised as a religious support network which encourages the disrespect, demoralizing, and dehumanization of women. Free speech is one thing, but actively abusing an entire gender is another, and we will not accept this behavior and the encouragement of men to belittle and abuse women.

Why is this important?

The Facebook group "Manhood University" advertises itself as a haven for the religious-minded, but it is really a covert expression of bigotry and hatred. It takes barely a minute of scanning their Facebook page to see that they are promoting hateful, sexist ideas and encouraging slut-shaming, victim-blaming, and the general dehumanization of women as sex objects. Facebook is a place for free expression, but at what cost? Ask Facebook to remove this hurtful, abusive content.